21. 123.. Now

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Brittany's POV

I open one eye to peek over at Dani, she didn't move. I listened closely and I could hear that she was sleeping. I stood up and took out the razor Amanda had given me earlier the day before. That's why I wanted to gain her trust, I needed something sharp. I told her it was to shave my legs. After nagging about it and convincing her, she gave in and brought me one, even though she wasn't allowed to. I picked it up and took the sharp part out, held it with the honed side facing forward, facing Dani's face. With soft steps, I approached her until I was just some inches away from her face, I was so close I could feel her breath. I exhaled, prayed for the strenght to do this, for the strenght to hurt her. No matter how much I wanted to, it was hard.. I wasn't used to this. She made a quick move in her sleep that made me lose my breath for some seconds but I recovered from it fast, I pressed the sharp razor blade, which now was more like a sharp tiny knife, against her throat.

"Now" she whispered and her eyes opened.

My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't move, I felt frozen. How could she pretend to be a sleep so good? It looked real. I looked into her eyes but didn't say anything, she laid there with her face straight and her eyes narrowed. I let out a big puff and slowly my hand slipped, the razor blade dropped on the floor and my hand was hanging over her head. She still looked at me.

"Pick it up, Brittany. Kill me"

I still couldn't speak, I had planned this for so long, so thoroughly. All my energy was devoted on this, I forced myself into this asylum to get rid of her, to get back on her for what she did. Was I too stressed?

"You wuss" she whispered again.

I took the razor up from the floor and sat down on my bed. She stood up and walked over to me, she sat down right on the cold floor in front of me, with her eyes glued on the blade in my hands. She rested her hands on my knees as if we were friends, as if I would allow her to touch my skin. I pushed myself back so her hands landed on the egde of the bed instead, she didn't complain.

"So, what's your plan B now that I'm not dead?" she asked and looked over at the door, making sure no nurse would hear and come yell at us.

"How did you know?" I calmly asked.

"You kind of pressed a blade against my throat, I felt it. I'm wicked, but I don't sleep in that position" she looked over at the window and widened her eyes when noticing the clear bright moon right above us. "But explain, what were you even thinking? That I would die and you would get away with it? Is that what life is to you, Brittany? A game.. You're pathetic. But I admire your bravery"

I didn't answer. I opened the nightstand drawer on my right side and put the blade in there, I would keep it in case I would need it someday, I don't know for what but who knows. Dani looked at me with surprised eyes and let her hair out of the bun she had it tied up in. She ruffled it with her hands and combed it with her fingers and stood up.

"Do I look prettier like this?"

"What?" I asked.

"Why do you trust me?"

"I don't" I said.

"Why do you trust me, Brittany?" she asked again.

"What makes you think I do?"

"You put a sharp blade, a small murder weapon, if used right, two metres away from my side" Dani said and lowered her head so her eyes were at the same height level as mine "What makes you so sure that I won't slit your throat up when you're asleep? I can do that, you know"

"I'm not sure you won't do that. I just think you won't, you'll just be stuck in here forever if you do" I said and looked into her eyes with no fear in them at all, she was like an empty soul in front of me, no emotion, no feeling.

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