16. Shock

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Santana's POV

"How's my little angel today?" was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I don't know if it was night or morning or if I actually had slept or if I passed out.

"What time is it?" I asked with a tired voice.

"Way too early for you to be up" Dani said and stroked my forehead. 

"Don't touch me" I said and tried to attack her but I had forgotten that I was tied up to this chair I had been sitting on since I got here. 

"Don't resist it. just go with the flow, Santana" she said as Philip came walking through the door on my left side. I just want to know where I was, was this the basement to a house or was it just some forgotten garage or something that she had "cleaned" up? "Did you bring her breakfast? She needs energy if she's going to stand out with all of this, we don't want her to pass out again" Dani said to Philip and gazed at me with a disgusting smirk on her face.

"I'm not hungry" I lied "How long do you think you can keep me here?" I tried to stay calm even tho I wasn't, I was scared. But if Dani knew she would take andvantage of my fear and I was in no place to keep up with another way to get messed with. 

"I'm guessing a week or two before Brittany actually figures out where you are" Dani said and took the tray out of Philip's hands, there was a half sandwich on a plate and a glass of orange juice on it. "She's already looking, and she was very close to find you once" Dani said again and picked the sandwich up "Open up" 

"What? No way, you're not feeding me" I said and shaked my head "What do you mean she almost found me? Where am I?"

"Oh she was very close" she repeated "But I'm glad she didn't find you yet, it's too early. I haven't had enough of you" she said and tried to push the sandwich into my mouth as if I was a 1 year old who didn't know how to eat. "She'll fall right into the little trap I put out for her soon" she said and tried again but I refused to open my mouth. 

I didn't want to ask more about what she said about Brittany, I was too scared to even find out more about it. I had know idea what her plan was but I won't stop hoping, I knew Brittany would find a way to save me out of this shit-hole. I knew it. 

"Will you stop? Let me at least eat by myself" 

"No. You will listen to what I'm saying and eat this fucking sandwich out of my hands" Dani said and put her hand around my jaw "Open up!" she yelled. 

I shaked my head and tried to get her to remove her hand of my face but she wouldn't give in so she shoved her index and middle finger right into my throat so I got a gag reflex and had to open my mouth up. I coughed and spit becuase of the disgusting taste she had on her fingers, probably from smoking.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I shouted "What the hell is wrong with you, Dani!"

"You listen when I give you orders, got it?" 

I couldn't do any other than listen and open my mouth and bite the sandwich Philip got me, which actually didn't taste too bad. 

"Good girl" she said.

She treated me like a pet. A fucking pet she thinks she owns.


Just wait until she takes these handcuffs of me, all the anger I've saved up will be taken out on her and that retarded friend of hers, Philip. 

I just sat here for hours, I had been sitting for so long my ass felt like a rock. I needed to walk around a little, just for a while, but everytime I asked Dani to untie my hands she just laughed and gave me the 'no, no no, sit there and suffer' look. I was watching Dani as she sorted out what looked like torture weapons, I couldn't see very good because they were on the floor at the other end of the basement. Just by seeing her so into it, she kept looking at me now and then and back at the weapons, like she was deciding how to torture me next. 

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