23. Forever

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Brittany's POV (1st February, 2013)

''Some people.. Some people don't know. They don't know how much it hurts, or how happy it makes you.. They don't understand what you're going through.. But I understand, Brittany. I love you. You love me too, right?.. I want to be with you forever. Do you feel like that too?''

Her voice, those words were played on repeat in my head as I felt myself dropping on the floor. Over and over again. With my eyes wandering around me I found nothing but blood covered around the whole bathroom. The nurse who followed me there was, of course, waiting outside. With my head leaned on the wall I started to feel very cold, like when you're walking out in a t-shirt during the coldest hours of the winter to throw the trash, and a little colder than that. I felt terribly sick to my stomach, like I was going to throw up any minute. It felt like someone was repeatedly punching me right on the in the middle of my stomach. I started to take deeper breaths by every second that passed, at last my inhales were so heavy it felt like I was choking, like when you've got something stuck in your throat. My left arm, the one with the deepest cut started to shiver and shake, it was impossible to stop it. I finally tried to stand up, I managed and held myself on the wall.. I mildly pushed the toilet door open and right on the hallway with blood dripping from my arms, I passed out.

I felt like I was out of my body and going through a tunnel really fast and I saw flashes of my life and childhood. It went very fast, but I saw it all. Me on swings at the age of 7 with my mother videotaping me. I saw myself in my grandmas lap, laughing. Then at the age of 14, getting my first kiss from the boy who lives next door. After many flashes after that.. and what looked like 3 second videoclips in my head. I saw me, meeting Santana's eyes for the first time by the lockers after cheerleading practice. Our first kiss and the first time we slept together. Her smile, I saw her eyes.. Her clear, perfect face and I saw us hugging. The flashbacks reached their end as my whole life flashed before my eyes. I saw the last time I was with her and the last time she walked out the door. A bright light stroke my eyes as I tried to open them. It didn't work. Voices around me sounded like cars on the highway, like the wind hardly blew against my ears. I felt paralyzed.

I couldn't see any light and I didn't feel any pain laying on the floor in the asylum hallway. It was an indescribable feeling. My brain didn't shut down, yet, but I had lost too much blood, I couldn't move. I tried opening my eyes again and before me stood several nurses. Everything was moving so fast. One of them touched my forehead but I didn't feel the touch. Instead, I felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness. I watched them as they picked me up and placed me on a gurney. I felt gone for some quick moments, like I blacked out but then returned as the nurses were pushing me into an elevator to go to the operating room. I heard one of the nurses say she was scared to death for me. I thought it sounded like Amanda. I literally could not move or much else because of all the blood I lost. After that, everything stopped. I could see or hear no more.


Santana's POV (3rd July, 2013)

"What do you mean asylum? What? She's not crazy!" I yelled as I felt myself getting more furious for every second that passed.

"I'm not saying she is crazy, Santana. Please, calm down" Rachel said as she sat beside my gurney "She went there on purpose, she knew Dani was in there"

I still shivered whenever I heard Dani's name.

"Please Santana you need to calm down we don't want anything to happen, you just got better" the nurse said.

"You calm down! Don't fuck with my brain. You people are nuts!" I yelled again and I swear I tried to be calm "Where the hell is Brittany?" I asked calmly now, facing Rachel.

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