20. Go to sleep

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Brittany's POV

After finding out Dani was the girl I was sharing my room with, I decided not to get a single room. This was perfect. I don't have to look for her room or anything now, she's right here. It was nearly bedtime and we had just eaten our "night snack" which was a half sandwich and apple wedges. The only annoying thing about being in the same room with Dani was that obviously, she was a very social person and so was I, but she's the last person I'd want to have a conversion with.. Sometimes I was forced to so she wouldn't think I was hiding something. After we had been sitting in the entertainment room for around 30 minutes the nurses said we had to go and sleep or read in our rooms. There was only one nurse I actually liked, she was really nice and she didn't talk to me like I was some lunatic.

Inside the room, while sitting on the uncomfortable bed, I picked a book out of the drawer and started reading.

"What's this?" Dani said and dragged the book out of my hands.

"Can I get the book back, please?"

"Why are you reading? You won't need that in here" she said and put it back in the drawer.

I didn't say anything, I was too tired to care about her. I leaned my head on the pillow and turned the lamp on my side of and closed my eyes. I figured it''s better to sleep than spend time with Dani.

"Hey, Brittany.. Was that your name?"

"You know it is" I said.

"You're right. Now tell me, did you really think through this?"

I instantly opened my eyes and clicked on the button that turns the light on again and sat up on the bed. She just sat there, on her bed looking crazily happy.

"Think what through?" I asked.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I may be mental, but I'm not stupid, Barbie"

"I don't understand what you're talking about" I said.

"You put yourself in here to get back at me? Please.. You couldn't hurt a fly without feeling bad, am I right?"

I looked at her with so much rage in my eyes. She really underestimates me.

"You're wrong" I said and looked away at the window.

"You know, getting in here is easy. But there's no way out.. Unless you die" she said and started laughing. Even her laugh annoyed me at this point.

"They'll let me out when I feel better" I said.

"They won't. Talk to Georgia, she's been here for almost 20 years, she got in when she was 19 and she's 39 next month, she's not even sick anymore. It's just that according to them, mental people never get better. Once you get in, you never get out" She said and laughed again, as if she was messing with me.

"Yeah right. Can you let me go to sleep now?"

"As long as you believe me. You've made a big mistake.. Poor Brittany, wanting to avenge me"

"Whatever you think Dani" I said and laid down again.

She finally stopped talking. I could close my eyes and just relax. Think. I heard her turn her light off too and she let out a loud sigh. If I listened closely, the sound of nurses walking around the halls could be heard. I could hear the sound of someone snorring, probably from some of the rooms just behind one of the walls.

My mind was a mess right now. What if she was right? What if I was stuck in here forever... Did I think this through, I circled the worst answers possible.. They'll think I'm 100% mentally disturbed. Although Dani isn't the best person to rely on, I think she might be right, that woman who's been here for around 20 years explains a lot. What have I done.

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