5. You complete me

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"Are you and Brittany back together?"

That was a complicated question Santana didn't have a 100% sure answer to. 

"I have no idea. We had a moment here last night but we didn't get the chance to discuss it" 

Santana looked at Kurt and Rachel with a confused face. 

"Anyways, i'm going over to her place later today and i'll tell her that we're going back to New York tomorrow, and if she takes it well, i'll try to talk about where we stand"

Santana was really nervous, she was leaving tomorrow and she felt like a total douche, bringing Brittany back into her life and one day later, leaving for New York again. 

When she drove over to Brittany's place she knocked on the door twice and stood out there for some minutes. Nobody opened, she knocked again and waited. 

"Is she kidding me right now" she mumbled to herself.

She knocked one last time before exploding with anger and thirty seconds later Brittany opens up.

"What took you so long?"

"I'm sorry, I was in the shower" she said and put her wet hair in a little bun.

Brittany offered her tea or a soda, Santana picked the soda and they went straight to Brittany's room. They sat on Brittany's bed and Santana looked around the room.

"You still have the Britney Spears poster up" she said and pointed at the wall, laughing.

"I know, totally not ready to take it down yet" she said.

"I get this weird feeling sitting here, so many memories come back to me" 

"Yeah.. We made a lot of memories here" Brittany said and gave away a playful smirk.

"Oh my god, Brittany" Santana said with laugh in her voice, she knew exactly what she was talking about but she didn't comment on it, she gave her a smile back and prayed in her mind for the power to bring the real subject up right now.

"I'm so happy that you're here" Brittany said and hugged Santana, with her arms around her Santana felt her whole body getting warmer and her heart beating louder. Perfect she thought this will bring me the courage to tell her. 

Before Brittany even was ready to let go of Santana, she took a step back. Closing her eyes, trying not to ge too shaky. 

"Santana, what's wrong?" Brittany said looking at her with worried eyes.

"Oh man. Brit, I love you so much" 

"I love you too" she said back and put her hand on Santana's cheek leaning over for a kiss. 

"No, wait" she took a slow but unusually deep breath "Brittany, I'm going back to New York.. Tomorrow" 

Brittany didn't say anything, she just stared. She was so confused, what did Santana want from her? 

"Brit, please. Say something" Santana said, fighting her hardest to not cry "This isn't another break-up" she said again.

"Exactly what is this then? You come here and we really get a good start, it lasts for a day and you drop a bomb like this. Great, Santana. Just great. Thanks a lot" Brittany said as she pushed herself up from the bed and stood, leaning her back on the wall just by the mirror.

Santana didn't get up. She still sat there, looking at Brittany. Trying to clear her mind up, she had such a messy mind right now and everything was going down the pipe.

At last Santana stood up and walked over to Brittany, she felt safe because she knew Brittany couldn't back no matter how close to her Santana stood, the wall behind her was in the way. 

"I want you to come with me" 

None of them spoke for several seconds, seconds that felt like hours, all you could hear was the sound of them breathing.


"No, no, no. Hear me out" Santana said, putting her index finger over Brittany's lips to stop her from continuing her sentence "You wanted a new apartment, why not come to New York, move in with me, Rachel and Kurt until we find a place"

"we..?" she asked, so quiet she was almost whispering. 

"Yeah, we. You and I" Santana said with a tiny smile on her lips and dimples showing on her cheeks.

Brittany lift her hand and let it run through Santana's hair. 

"I don't know.." she said, still stroking Santana's hair.

"Just imagine, us two, in our own apartment in New York.. You could find a part time job, maybe I could talk to my boss, maybe he could let you work with us at the diner. It'll be amazing"

Brittany did love the thought of that, she loved it a lot, and she considered it.

"Are we ready for something like that, we kinda just got back together? I mean, if we are back together" Brittany said

"We are.. I want us to be. And Brit, it's not like we're strangers. I've known you since we started high school, you've been my girlfriend before.. We know each other, you know me better than anyone else does" Santana took a step closer to Brittany now, so close their noses were brushing against each other. 

Brittany looked at Santana, right in the eyes. Waiting for that shy smile to come out, and it did not long after. She put her hand on Santana's cheeks and kissed her. She kissed her for the first time since they broke up, their lips touching, Brittany's hands on the wall just beside her head, Santana's hand palms pressed against Brittany's and both of them had their eyes closed. These moments, when they get intimate, when they're both vulnerable but trust each other enough to know they won't get hurt, those were the moments both Santana and Brittany cherished the most.

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