3. Unexpected

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"That shirt on you, oh my god it's gorgeous. Where are you going?"

Santana looked away, trying to decide whether she should tell them who she's meeting up with or not. 

"I'm meeting Brittany"

Kurt and Rachel looked at each other with big eyes, and then Rachel stood up with her girly skirt right behind her. 

"Is that really smart? Santana we know you still like her, it's obvious. But I thought she told you she didn't want to try again?"

"Calm down, Barbara. I'm not going to kidnap her. We're going out for coffee. That's all" Santana said with a little bit of bitch in her voice. 

She finished her mascara and took Kurt's car keys. 

"I won't crash your car, promise" she said and smiled at him "See you later guys"

Santana drove for some minutes and then stopped outside the coffee shop. She parked the car and went inside. 
While inside she looked around everywhere for Brittany, but she was nowhere to be seen. She thought she could order a latte until she got here, she might have been stuck in traffic or something.  

After ordering her latte and almost being finished with it, Brittany still didn't show up.

"I don't get stood up. Not by anyone" Santana whispered to herself while typing on her phone.

She decided to send Brittany a text, asking why she's nearly an hour late. It wasn't like Brittany to do something like this. 

"Would you like anything else?" a waiter who clearly had noticed Santana was done with her latte a long, long time ago asked

"Another latte" she said, not even looking up at the waiter. She just stared at her phone waiting for a answer from Brit. 

Santana went to the bathroom to freshen up a little, it was really hot inside this place. She took a napkin and wiped her forehead gently, so she wouldn't ruin her make up and then under her eyes. She looked herself in the mirror. I''ll wait for her some more minutes and if she doesn't show up soon, i'm going back home she thought.

She sat for another 30 minutes, this time taking it easy with the latte, not drinking it up too fast so she wouldn't look like she was being stood up, even thought it was pretty obvious. However, 15 minutes later Santana's phone buzzed. 

"I can't. Sorry" 

"Wow hey calm down, what's wrong with you?" Kurt says when Santana storms into his room.

"She can't? Really? I sit there for 2 whole hours looking like a stupid mess and she can't? She can't what? Why did she do this?"

"Hold on hold on, wait, you got stood up by Brittany?"

"Yes. That's exactly what happened, and you know what? I waited, I didn't want to believe she would do that to me. But she did, and now i'm just really angry" Santana said while standing in front of Kurt with her hands in her hair "She said I was forgiven, Kurt. I didn't want it to end like that" she added and sat down next to him.

She had a emotional breakdown. With her head on Kurts chest the tears kept streaming down her face. This wasn't like Santana, she was always the strong girl, the one no one could break down, the coldhearted one, but not when it came to Brittany, everyone knew the only one who could actually make her cry was Brittany, but no one thought she ever would, especially not Santana.

"Like, do I feel like I deserve this? I do, yeah. But she promised me, she promised we could be friends, that would be enough for now" Santana said and took the napkin Kurt offered to wipe the running mascara off her face. 

"Santana, you know Brittany isn't like this. She's the sweetest girl ever, she must have had a good reason not to show up. Don't beat yourself up about it" 

"I just miss her so much"

"I know. Although you're really sad right now, let's go out, catch a movie or something, it's way too early to be sad yet, it's not even 6pm" Kurt said and laughed. He took Santana by her arm and they went out.

It's a really nice day, the weather is great, a bit too hot, but great. Everyone looked happy and you could see people going home from school and work, a typical Lima tuesday afternoon. 
Kurt and Santana went for burgers and then watched a movie at the local cinema. It was some drama/love thing Kurt had picked out. Santana had calmed down and just tried to think of anything else than what happened earlier. She wanted to let go of it. 

"Should I text her and ask if she's okay? Maybe something happened?"

"Santana, let go. She isn't into it anymore, i'm sorry but you need tough love to get over her okay? I mean, you were with Dani for months and it got you back here again anyways. I'm just trying to help" Kurt said with a comforting voice, trying to be as supportive as he could.

Santana didn't even respond to that, she just kept walking beside him, they met Blaine outside the cinema when the movie was over, Kurt and Blaine kissed, like they always did when they met and they decided to go for a snack somewhere. But Santana wasn't up for it, all she wanted right now was to go home and lay down, she asked Kurt if it was okay and he was totally fine with it. She took his home keys and walked towards his place. 

When Santana got into Kurts room she layed down on his bed, he hates in when she does that but to hell with it, it's not like he would find out, she thought. She picks up her phone and looks through her pictures. First, she deletes her photos with Dani, she still felt a bit crappy for using her like that, but she didn't want the past to haunt her present. Then she keeps scrolling, until she reaches the end of her camera roll. So many pictures, and every individual picture has it's own meaning. Memories are good to keep in your mind but sometimes they're just painful. She put down her phone on the nightstand and looked around in Kurts room. This room is as gay as a room can get she thought and stood up. She could hear noices from downstairs it was probably Kurt's dad and stepmother, she ignored it and started to rifle around in his room, just like she always did when she slept over at other people's houses. 
All the sudden she hears her phone ring. She picks it up, looks at the phone screen and with a fully straight face she answers.


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