6 Days of Christmas

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Spitfire One-Shots Chapter 21

6 Days before Christmas

Day 6

For some reason, Artemis decided to randomly clean their house. She told him she didn't want it to be dirty when everyone comes over on Christmas day. When Wally mentioned there was still time, she promptly told him to shut up and help.

She also mentioned they had plans for the next couple of days but refused to tell Wally to keep him in suspense. And annoy him, whichever came first.

"Wally you can start by shoveling out the driveway like we were supposed to yesterday until you convinced me to go outside with you. And no you can't clean the kitchen."

"You weren't complaining yesterday when we were making snow angels." He grumbled under his breath grabbing the shovel.

"Yesterday was fun, and even though technically Burcely did choose a tree as the winner, I would have won. And shoveling will only take 20 minutes tops, I'll come out and help you once I'm done straightening out the living room." Wally kissed her cheek before walking out into the snow, fully intent on keeping Artemis to her word.

Meanwhile, Artemis looked out the window to make sure Wally was actually shoveling instead of making more snow angels. She wouldn't put it past him. After he saw her and waved, she smiled and moved away from the window. She moved to vacuum the floors, dust behind the TV, and pick up all of the garbage. 

She never realized how messy it could get in a few days. The main reason she wanted to clean the house was because some of the members of the team were coming by today, they said they had some news. Dick, being as mysterious as ever, said he would tell them the rest when they get there. Even Wally, his best friend had no idea what it was about. 

Artemis was reorganizing their TV stand when she found a couple of old albums, photo albums to be more specific. They were thick with photo's from their childhood, pictures of them together, and ones of them with the team. 

She hadn't look at them in a while, she almost forgot they had them. It's been to long, therefore, she opened one up, sat on the couch and looked back on their lives. 

The one she had in her hand were copies of photos from Wally's childhood, courtesy of his parents. Wally was such an adorable baby, not to mention chubby, lively, and playful. He was always smiling in all of his pictures. 

As she flipped through the album, she noticed there were more baby pictures of Wally than herself. It made sense the more the thought about it, her parents barely thought about that stuff when she was a child. Her parents used to be villains, she learned to accept that and not shy away from it. 

"Hey you didn't come out Artemis." Wally complained shaking the snow off of his boots and jacket. She was too absorbed in the pictures to realize he came back, let alone said something. He noticed she was out of it and sat down right next to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. 

His cold touch jolted her back into reality. "Oh you're back. Sorry I forgot to come and help you. I found these while I was cleaning." She held up the stack of albums. 

The page she was open to was one they took when they first joined the team. She almost laughed at how funny he look at her with disdain. She looked at him exactly the same, but as everyone says, there's a fine line between love and hate. 

Most of the pictures were one's their friends took when they weren't looking. Zatana took some with him hugging her, or the looks they gave each other. 

"Where were these?" He asked, looking through them in amazement with her. They brought back so many memories, some were better than others. The one's that they spent together were the best ones. 

"When was this one taken?" Wally asked her pointing to one he didn't recognize. 

Artemis started to laugh

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Artemis started to laugh. "Dick took that on my first day at Gotham Academy. I didn't know who he was back then." Wally laughed at her facial expression. His best friend sure knew how to take a surprise photo. 

"He told me, 'We'll-'" Artemis was cut off by another voice. 

"Laugh about this someday." Artemis and Wally's heads snapped towards the voice. There was Dick, in his civilian clothes with his signature sunglasses. "And I'm guessing today is that day?" 

"What are you doing here?" They asked setting the album on the coffee table. They both went to hug their dear friend. 

"I told you guys I had some news." Dick told the Spitfire couple, before taking a seat on the couch, making himself at home. 

"Well are you going to keep us in suspense or tell us?" Artemis asked him, leaning against Wally.

"The team and I are planning on admitting more members, we know you guys aren't apart of it anymore, but we decided to get you opinion as well."  

Artemis and Wally shared a knowing glance, no words were exchanged verbally. "We think that's a great idea, you guys should definitely go deeper into this." Artemis told him. Dick began to explain the logistics of their plan, and potential candidates. His visit wasn't much of a social call, but nonetheless, still fun. 

Eventually he had to leave, League Business he called it. They said their goodbyes, and before Dick left, he told them, "We're having a holiday party at the cave in a few days, you guys should make it." 

"We'll be there." Wally promised. Once the door was closed, Artemis leaned in to kiss her boyfriend, similar to a picture in the album. (The picture above).


A/N: It took me way too long to write this. In my defense, I was watching Home Alone. 

Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it! And Happy Sunday to those who don't :) I hope you guys like this chapter, the next will include some more shopping and an unwilling Wally. 

Remember to vote, comment and share this story if you liked it! The next chapter will be up soon (as long as I don't watch Home Alone 2). 

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