Chapter 5

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I don't know if I should knock on the door or not, but I go with it and do.

"Come in," a male voice calls from within.

I take a deep breath and enter the room.

I'm half expecting the room to be dull and dark but it's the complete opposite. Granted, the walls behind the different level walnut floating shelves to my left and right are a light grey, but with the opened French doors to my right leading to the back garden, everything is bright. In between the two windows on the opposite wall, there's a large abstract painting consisting of blacks, whites, and reds.

A large wooden desk in the same shade as the shelves sits under the painting, a pile of paperwork and an iMac computer occupying the tidy space.

"I'll be there first thing in the afternoon. Twelve on the dot."

My eyes find Luca at the modest sound of his voice.

He's standing at the furthest away side of the room, by the small sitting area at the French doors with Jones in front of him.

His dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black tie combo is something I'd never think of seeing him in. He was more of a baggy jeans and loose t-shirt kind of guy.

How the times have changed and for the best, may I add.

"I'll let Foster know," Jones replies before walking away.

He walks towards me and slips out the room through the gap I've left between me and the door.

The door closes behind me with a thud and I practically jump further into the room, making Luca grin with a small shake of the head as he looks at me.

I straighten myself out and wait for Luca to start the conversation.

"Good morning, Kaylee." He moves to the desk gracefully. "I'd ask how you are but looking at your choice of clothing, I don't need to ask."

And there it is.

I knew wearing casual clothing would be a bad look for today. He clearly knows I'm hungover and now he's going to have the upper hand throughout this entire so called meeting. I should have been more adamant and told Jones to wait while I went and got changed. Anything I put on would have been a better look and gave off a better impression.

However, the more dressed up I looked, the more Luca would think I was trying to impress him and that's not the case.

Far from it.

"Is this a proper meeting or just one for you tell me off about my choice of clothing?" I fire at him. There's no need for the niceness here when he's practically just insulted me for not trying to look presentable.

Not everyone can look immaculate like he seems to be now.

I wait for Luca to respond but it doesn't come. He shuffles around a few sheets of paper and picks one up, reading it closely.

"Are you even going to talk to me?" I question.

I take a step closer to the desk and fold my arms over my chest.

He says nothing.

"So you bought me out here for fuck all?"


"You really are a fucking dick, Luca."

I turn and take a single step away from the desk.

"Language in my office, Kaylee." Luca finally says. "It doesn't suit you."

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