Chapter 19

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I don't know where Luca's taking me and if I'm being honest, I don't really mind. It's nice spending time with him without him having to look round every so often to see if there's someone watching him. It's nice to get out and be normal with him like it used to be.

I don't say anything when he takes the M25 towards Surrey. Of course I'm curious as to why we're heading to Surrey but I trust him enough to know that it's not going to lead to something bad.

I simply relax in the warm seat and listen to the music that's playing away for background noise to fill the silence. It's nice to have some sort of noise other than trying to fill the car journey with pointless conversations that could potentially lead to us arguing.

Time has become irrelevant but I know we've been driving for a while before we finally pull off a road and park up in a car park. The cars full beam headlights are lighting the way as we come to a stop by a tree lined park.

If this was the first time I was going out on a date with Luca, I'd be worried. I would think that he'd be about to murder me and bury my body somewhere no one would find me for a long time.

I know that's not going to happen so my mind is at ease.

I look round for signs of where we are while taking my seatbelt off. "We're near Farnham Park, aren't we?"
I look back at him for an answer. He's not looking at me but just nods.

"We are," he confirms.

I smile to myself.

He remembered.

"We used to come here for walks in the summer," I recall.

"I surprised you remembered those walks," he mumbles.

I frown. "What do you mean?"

He looks at me immediately, a look mixed with both shock and disgust clearly displayed on his face. "Of course I can remember them. I can remember spending a lot of time here in the summer with you."


"The walks. The conversations. The alone time. You name it."

My lips pucker as I nod.

I don't know if I should believe that he still remembers everything we did as couple. I sure as hell do and no matter how hard I try to forget it all, something always comes creeping back to the front of my memories and then the wall crumbles away and I remember it all as if it only happened yesterday.

With everything that's happened in his life over the years, memories of me and us will surely be long forgotten and replaced with memories of his other girlfriend he refuses to talk about.

"Those were some of the good memories," I sigh.

"They were," he agrees.

We go silent and I look out the passenger window. I don't know why he's brought me here but if he's expecting me to get out the car and go for a walk, he'll be doing it himself. I've already been out in the pissing rain once tonight and it resulted in me getting drenched all so I could see him. If he even mutters the word 'walk' to me, I'll pass on it before he can even finish the sentence he has the word attached to.

"Lets go for a walk," he announces, taking his seatbelt off in the process. My eyes widen as I watch him get ready to get out the car.

"Nope!" I protest swiftly. I shake my head and he just looks at me like I'm losing it. "Are you being serious or are you kidding?"

He stares at me.

"Seriously!?" I shriek.

"A bit of rain won't burn you."

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