Chapter 33

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I'm trying hard to not feel overwhelmed in the lift on the way up to the thirty-fifth floor in The Heron. Luca made it clear that he had bought his parents an apartment in London for when they came here for either business of a holiday. One thing he neglected to mention was that it was a duplex and that it would be more impressive than what he's showed me so far.

I am impressed.

Even more so impressed when the lift doors slide open and reveal the dark marble-clad staircase and dark oak herringbone floors, which are both lightened by the fading daylight coming from the skylight above. From the very little information Luca told me about this place, nothing can could have prepared me for this moment which has left me with my mouth open as Luca guides me down the hall.

Abstract art and sculptures placed evenly throughout the space on the walls and floor. The seem expensive and I have to restrain myself from reaching a hand out to touch them. It doesn't seem real, none of this does.

"Just breathe," Luca whispers to me, getting my attention back to him.

I look at him and swallow away the lump that has somehow formed in my throat. "Luca, I feel overdressed for this."

The only decent thing I had in my wardrobe that I could think of wearing was a sleeveless monochrome culotte jumpsuit. I didn't want to wear a dress because I didn't want to be seen as trying too hard, which was the same thought I had about wearing a skirt tonight. I didn't want to wear black jeans or plain trousers because I'd be seen as not bothering to at least try to make an effort.

I know Nick wouldn't have cared about my appearance, neither would Luca. It's more to do with Jane and how she would look at me and those two thoughts would have come to her head as soon as she saw me. Considering this is the first time in a long time that I've seen Jane Madden, first impressions on her are key.

My fingers fuss with the clip on my clutch bag as we walk.

Luca smiles and leans in close to me, placing a small kiss on the side of my head. "I can assure you that you don't look overdressed. If anything, I'm the one who looks over dressed."

I raise a brow at him as if to silently tell him he's wrong. His black trousers and dark blue shirt with the top two buttons undone are concealed under a black jacket that matches his trousers. He's practically wearing a suit minus the tie.

"You'll be fine," he assures as we get to the end of the hallway and step into the living room.

I don't immediately register the two occupants who are already in the room awaiting our arrival. Instead, I register the breath-taking view of London through the double height floor-to-ceiling windows. The view makes the room seem bigger than it is, even with the light coloured furnishings mixed with a few dark pieces here and there.

If I wasn't so impressed before, I well and truly am impressed now.

Everything is screaming money and when my eyes focus on the male and female standing at the furthest away corner of the room looking out the view, my nerves begin to crawl back to the surface.

"Kaylee," Luca says loudly, catching his dad's attention first.

Nick turns his head to us, his smile bright and welcoming. "Ah."

"You remember my father, Nick."

Luca ushers me across the room towards his dad who has stepped away from the window to greet us. Nick hugs me briefly, placing a small kiss on my cheek.

"How are you today?" Nick asks.

"I'm good," I answer with a smile.

My nerves aren't so bad right now but that's only because I have the only two people in this room who actually like me standing close. I don't need to put on a front when it comes to Nick because he always sees the best in people without passing judgement before he truly gets to know them. The biggest test, on the other hand, of tonight is standing just feet away from us and already shaking their head despite having their back turned to us.

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