Chapter 23

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I feel like I haven't been home since Monday morning. I'm either in the office or at Lindley Hall. I've been so rushed off my feet over the past three days, I'm going to be happy to have tomorrow to recover from tonight's event. It's been a long and rather stressful two weeks; I just can't wait to see how it will turn out.

I've been running about like a mad woman to a point where I think my feet are embedded into my high heels. It may sound superficial but I don't want to seem unprofessional by wearing flats when I wear a pencil skirt. The only time I've had my shoes off has been when I've been home but even at that, I'm only home to sleep which means I have no personal life at the moment.

It's just as well I told Luca to stay away until Friday at least. I know that if he was around, there most definitely wouldn't be much work done. Since he's taken my advice and stayed away, I only have a couple of things on my checklist to take care of before the event tonight and I'm done.

There's not one person in my office who isn't feeling calm right now. It's the first proper time that everyone has come together to help plan an event this big on such a small timescale. Everyone's stress levels at this very moment are going into overdrive now it's the morning of the event.

I slip my glasses on as I read over the checklist Julia gives me. "Everything done?"

"Yip," she replies as I get to my feet and walk over to the filing cabinet. "I've called Cheryl and told her we're all set for tonight."

"That's good." I open the filing cabinet and slip the checklist into it's appropriate folder. "Did you make a copy of this?"

"All taken care of."

"Thank you, Julia."

"Anything else you need from me?"

I shake my head. "That's all."

I don't hear her respond but I know she nodded her head and is away to her desk. She'll no doubt be packing up and getting ready to go so she can get home to get ready for tonight. Everyone else won't be that far behind her and neither will I.

I flick through a few files, checking that everything is where it should be, when a male voice has me slamming the drawer shut with a jump.

"Been busy?"

I turn my head in the direction of the voice and roll my eyes. "What do you want, Luca?"

"I haven't heard from you in a few days, thought I'd come by and check on you to see if everything-"

"It's fine, Luca." I walk to my desk, slipping my glasses off as I go. I reach for my bag and place it on my chair. "I told you I was going to be busy so you turning up here unannounced isn't helping me."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "I like being a distraction."

I stop rummaging through my bag for my glasses case and look at him. Big headed dick. I place my glasses on the desk and rub my eyes. "What do you want, Luca?"

He looks back at Julia who is watching him with a small smile while putting her bag on her shoulder. I look at her with a serious look on my face and she quickly walks away to go home. Luca sniggers and closes the office door over before turning his attention back to me.

"I have to tell you something," he says softly.

"Unless you know a reason as to why I shouldn't be getting ready to go home, I'd suggest you don't tell me right now be-"

"My parents are here," he announces on an outtake of breath.

My mouth falls open and my eyes widen.

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