Chapter 28

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As Allison said, tomorrow is another day and that day is today.

I go through my usual routine a bit earlier as Allison is driving me to work this morning. I eat the toast and jam and drink the cup of coffee Allison made for me for when I appear out my bedroom dressed for the day ahead. I even sing along to the music in the car as we drive to work which is something I never do in the mornings when I'm being driven in.

I'm just seeing things differently and I think it's mainly to do with the fact that I have my best friend by my side who is ready to jump in and defend me at any given moment. I'm happy despite the nonsense that's being spread about me online and in the newspapers.

As I told Allison what might happen with the weather today happened. It's raining like it was yesterday, even heavier if it was possible but I don't mind it. I can wear my black knee length skirt with a grey fitted jumper under my coat without giving a damn about someone making a judgement on my clothing choice in the horrible weather.

"I'll see you when you finish," Allison calls as I get out the car.

"See you then," I respond.

I close the door and step onto the pavement as Allison drives off. I smile at Julia as she stands outside the office under an umbrella with a takeaway Starbucks cup in one hand.

"Please tell me that's for me."

"Of course it is." She hands me the cup and holds the office door open for me to enter the building first. "How-"


I stop entering the building and turn to look at the person who called my name. I groan a little at the sight of Luca getting out of a parked up car with Carlo following him closely holding an umbrella over his head.

I allow Julia to step into the building out the rain and hand her my ID card so she can sign me in along with herself.

"Do you want me to wait?" She offers, looking at Luca.

I shake my head. "I won't take be long. Just get everything ready for me so we can make a start when I get up."


I step back out into the rain as Luca gets closer to me.

I know what Julia was going to ask me and I would have told her I was happy for the first time in four days. I was going to tell her that I felt like my normal self once more since I had Allison staying with me. I was going to get on with my day without letting anything or anyone ruin my happiness.

That's all just gone out the window now that Luca has decided to turn up. I've not seen him since Friday and despite all his voicemails, texts, and an interrupted visit to my flat, I was fine knowing he would be too caught up in the mess he's created for both of us.

I was doing fine until now.

"We need to talk," he says when he reaches me. He takes me by the arm and pushes the office door open. He practically pushes me into my place of work with Carlo following closely. "Where can we go for privacy?"

"Luca, let me go." I struggle in his hold but his grip only tightens. "Luca, you're hurting me."

"Where can Mr. Madden go for privacy?" Carlo asks Eric who is looking up at him with fear clearly shown on his face.

Eric's mouth opens but no words come out.

"Where can he go?" Carlo repeats.

"You can use the space through that door," Julia answers for Eric. She points to the opened door leading to where the lift and canteen are. "There's a meeting room back there that we share with the office building on the other street behind us. It's only used for big meetings and no one can see or hear what's going on in there."

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