Chapter 13

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His lips are just how I remember them to be. They're soft and fit against mine like a glove. The kiss isn't forceful despite it coming unexpectedly. It's just how it's always been whenever we've kissed: filled with care, passion, and love. It's just missing two out of those three things and we both know fine well what those two are.

I don't recall being turned or turning around but the feeling of the brick wall at my back has me arching against Luca's strong body. It's the only thing I can do to dull the pain I feel from hitting back against the wall as Luca's hands cup my face, tilting my head back slightly as he takes more control of the kiss.

I can faintly hear a car passing but I don't care if the occupants of the car passing by sees us. I don't care if anyone walking past in the street not far from us sees. It's a moment I don't mind admitting to missing since he left.

It took me a while to get over the feeling that's been stirred back up inside of me. I guess it's been on simmer since I saw him again but the the simplest things he's been doing when I've been around him have just been added to the pot. Now everything has built up to the kiss . . . it almost feels right. Like it's what should have happened earlier but those times weren't the right times but now it is.

My hands find his arms and I hold onto him. I don't push at him to stop or make any attempt to stop the kiss from deepening. Luca's hands move to my waist and he pulls me even closer to him. My hands just move to his chest when I hear the sound of Declan's voice in the distance.

My eyes open rapidly and I push as hard as I can at Luca to get him to stop. He lets me go without hesitation and stumbles back, his chest rising and falling rapidly. My fingers trace over my lips as I stare at him.

No words are said, only looks.

"Kaylee," Declan calls again.

"I . . ." I point in the direction of the car park.

Luca nods. "Go."

I press my lips firmly together and walk away without looking back or anything else said. The shock of what just happened and worry of someone seeing Luca and I together is starting to hit as I turn the corner to find Declan staring at Luca's car. I take a glance back to where I know Luca is standing and almost powerwalk to Declan before he gets any closer to the car.

"Who in your building drives the R8?" Declan queries when I'm close enough to hear the shock in his question.

I take a deep breath while looking at the car and shrug. "I think it's someone visiting one of my neighbours."

"Well, whoever it is they sure do know their cars. That thing easily costs in the region of one hundred thousand plus!"

"So I guessed when I first saw it." I grab his wrist before he has a chance to walk any further to the car for a closer inspection. We start walking back into the building. "Come on, you. I don't want to go back in and tell mum that I lost you to a flashy car."

"I know." He turns so he's looking at the car and walking backwards at the same time. "I just haven't been that close to one before."

"Didn't you go with dad when got his Audi?"

"Yeah, but an A4 has nothing on the R8."

"Still the same brand."

"Different model, though."

"Still an Audi."

He says nothing else but turns and opens the building door, allowing me to walk in first. I smile at him out of kindness but it's really a secret way of showing him I'm right and he has no comeback.

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