Chapter 35

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In all honesty, I was expecting Luca to be at his house when I arrived there from work. He wasn't which made things weird to say the least. I was taken up the stairs to his bedroom where a complete outfit was laid out for me that Luca had picked; dress, bag, and shoes. My make-up bag was also sitting there so I could freshen or change my look to go with the dress.

I didn't change much other than add a tad bit more mascara and eye liner to make my eyes a little darker to match the black mini dress. I pulled my hair back into a loose ponytail and before I knew it, I was done and it was time to go.

Even just sitting in the car with Jones driving me through London, my hands are faintly moving over the mixture of chiffon, lace, and satin materials that make up the dress Luca picked. I don't make a habit of wearing expensive clothes and I don't want to make a habit of it. It's nice to splash the cash depending on what it's for and if it's really needed, but simple dates like tonight don't fall into that category.

"Jones," I speak up, "do you know where it is he's taking me?"

"I do, Miss. Fletcher." He replies plainly.

"Are you allowed to tell me where he's taking me?"

He'll say no.

"No, Miss. Fletcher."

Knew it.

"Are you allowed to tell me anything about tonight?"

No, again.

"I'm allowed to tell you one thing."


I'm intrigued. "Which is?"

"The box on the seat next to you," he starts. I look at the rectangle box on seat next to me and pick it up. "You have to open it and put it on."

I don't hesitate in opening the box and pull out the object I find. The black satin unravels onto my lap and I frown. "What-"

"Mr. Madden has instructed that you wear the blindfold so you stay surprised until he is ready to reveal tonight's plan to you."

I toss the empty box back onto the seat next to me. I run the blindfold through my fingers. "I don't want to sound like a complete girl here, but this really will mess up my hair."

Jones laughs. It's muffled but I can hear it. "At this point in the journey, I have to instruct you to put it on. It won't be for long, so your hair will be fine."

I eye him in the interior mirror but he doesn't look back at me. He's busy looking at the road and the last thing I want to do it put up a fight with refusing to do this one thing after Luca has gone to all the trouble to make tonight special.

I take a silent deep breath and put the blindfold on, making sure to not tie it too tightly at the back of my head. I adjust it over my eyes so I can't peak at anything and just sit.

I try to concentrate on the way the car moves; which side we turn when at a junction or traffic lights, how long in seconds we drive straight for. Nothing helps. After putting the blindfold on, I've lost all sense of time and place. It's only when we come to a complete stop and the door opens that I know we've reached the destination I'm not allowed to know anything about.

"Kaylee," Luca's voice greets, almost like it's a sigh of relief that he's seeing me again.

I smile and take my seatbelt off. Luca's hand finds mine and he helps me out the car.

"Before we go anywhere, do you know where you are? Can you see anything?"

"No and no," I answer in the one go.

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