Chapter 11

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It's Monday morning and I'm back into my usual routine. The past few days have been crazy and just knowing I'm going back to work is making me happy. It's weird that I feel happy going to work on a Monday morning as I'm probably the only person who is looking forward to today.

Spending almost the entire weekend with your ex-boyfriend isn't something someone should be doing but it happened to me and it's done with. I can now look forward to not crossing paths with Luca Madden again and getting back to my ordinary life.

I smile at the young black haired receptionist as she hands my ID badge back over to me after signing me in. "Thank you, Tracey."

I make my way up the stairs, briefly saying my good mornings to my fellow colleagues on the first floor before walking up to the second floor. I pull open the glass door and walk towards my office, bypassing the eight open plan workstations that are the center of the room to my left and the meeting room to my right.

I smile at the female sitting by the desk opposite my office. Her newly dyed bleach blonde hair is typed back into a ponytail, her make-up simple but a touch smokey round her dark eyes. "Morning, Julia."

"Good morning, Kaylee." She reaches for the printed weekly planner and hands it to me. "Your first meeting for the day is at ten thirty. There are phone calls you have to return and a list of places to call."

I glance down at the planner for my week ahead. "Are they all from Friday?"

"Some are," she confirms. "Some you were going to do today, anyway."

"And who is my meeting with at half ten?"

"A Miss. Poole. She's in desperate need of a planner for a charity event which is a last minute thing."

"Alright." I walk in to my office, preparing to close the glass door. "Give me a shout when she arrives and I'll go down and meet her."

"Will do."

I walk straight for my desk, pressing the space bar on the keyboard to wake the computer back up from when Julia had turned it on earlier. I log in, place my bag on the floor next to my feet, and begin to return the phone calls I need to return.

I work hard over the next hour or so, returning phone calls and arranging meetings for the rest of the week and next week. It somewhat comes as a shock to me when Julia comes into my office and tells me that Miss. Poole is in down in the waiting area for me for our meeting.

I take the lift down to the ground floor instead of the stairs. It's almost like taking the stairs in the morning and at the end of the day is my workout for the day. Walking back and forth in heels all day is workout in itself.

The frosted glass door leading to reception is open, clients and workers coming and going here and there. I open the white wooden door to my left and walk into the spacious waiting area. There's a few people in the front waiting area but only one in the back waiting area I'm in.

I approach the blonde haired female with a smile. "Miss. Poole?"

The woman turns from where she's standing near the fireplace and smiles. She looks familiar but I can't place where it is I've seen her. It may be in passing but I'm not quite sure.

She's dressed in a white fitted midi dress with matching cardigan and black handbag that matches her high heels. It's a complete contrast to my simple black belted tunic dress.

"Cheryl, please." She smiles as she offers her right hand out for me. "You must be Miss. Fletcher, I presume?"

I shake her offered hand. "Yes."

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