Chapter 8

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My walking is restricted in my black sequin and satin midi dress. I can't believe I agreed to go out tonight to Greg's birthday dinner all because Allison doesn't want to be around his friends on her own. It's alright in saying that but as soon as Greg gets there, I'll be the one left on my own with no one to talk to. Matters aren't made much better with the fact that I was out last night.

"Where is his birthday dinner even being held?" I ask, my ankle strap heels making quick work of the pavement as I try to keep up with Allison.

"Some fancy restaurant," she replies breathlessly.

"Allison, can you please stop walking so fast. Some of us can't keep up." She slows her walking pace and links her arm with mine. "Thank you."

We walk a bit further before Allison pulls at me to walk up a few steps to our left.

"This is us in here," she announces.

She pulls on a glass door and enters the building with me following close behind. When inside, I run a hand through my hair so it sits much better over my shoulders. Allison leaves my side to speak to the male standing by the podium and as I look closely at him, he looks familiar.

My eyes widen as the male looks at me. It's Rafael and just as quickly as he looks at me, he turns his attention back to Allison who's still talking away to him. I take this time to quickly glance around at my surroundings, almost gasping at where I am.

This is Fournier.

It's Luca's hotel and restaurant.

I've returned to the scene of a crime within twenty-four hours and all because I agreed to a night out when I didn't want to come out in the first place. The entrance we entered through is different from the one I entered through last night and I . . .

I need air. That's what I need.

I feel like I'm burning up.

Why did I have to pick a dress with long sleeves?

I'm too warm.

"This way, Kaylee." Allison calls, reaching for me.

I let her take hold of my arm easily and to pull me through the door to the same room I had dinner in with Luca.

Although, it's set up differently now. It's not a single table for two, but a round table set up to seat twelve people. In the furthest away corner, a cake sits on a small table with a cutting knife next to it. The lighting is brighter than what it was last night and I can see an opened door at the opposite side of the room where waiters in white shirts and black ties are coming and going with drinks.

That must have been where Rafael was standing waiting for Luca to tell him what we were going to eat last night. It's the only thing that makes sense to me right now.

"Kaylee, come and sit." Allison encourages.

I walk to the table and take a seat next to her. People of all ages are already sitting at the table but there's three spaces left, one at the top of the table and two across from Allison and myself. That'll be where Greg and his parents will sit when they come.

"What would you like to drink, Miss."

I turn my head to look up at Rafael. "Wine. Red."

"Of course," Rafael says before disappearing.

He returns moments later and places a glass of red wine in front of me.

Allison leans into me and whispers, "Thought you weren't going to be drinking tonight."

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