Chapter 20

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I wake the next morning to the sound of someone clearing their throat. My eyes flutter open and I blink a few times as I focus on the figure standing close by, their arms folded over their chest and an unhappy look on their face. My eyes focus quickly when I see Allison raise a single brow and tilt her head slightly.

"Care to explain," she simply says.

I narrow my eyes at her and push myself up to a sitting position, my hands finding something soft, warm, and clothed. My eyes avert down to the what's beneath my hands and I get to my feet quickly at the sight of Luca laying on the couch sleeping soundly.

I take a deep breath and run a hand through my hair. "Allison, it-"

"Don't you dare use that line with me," she warns, knowing exactly what I was going to say. "You've been lying to me about seeing him. You said it was only a few times but here you are sleeping together!"

"Yes, and sleeping being the actual word for what we were doing."

"You-" She stops talking and looks down at Luca who moves slightly but doesn't wake. She shakes her head and pulls me by the arm towards the kitchen. "How long have you been seeing him for again?"

"It's not like how you think it is," I try to clarify.

Her arms fold over here chest again. "Have you kissed him?"

I open my mouth to speak but Luca's voice answers her question before mine does.

"It's nothing to do with you, Allison." He says.

I only look at him briefly as he stands up and stretches his arms out above his head. His top rides up slightly, exposing a small hint of his finely sculpted abs to us. I look at Allison who is shaking her head at me.

I suddenly feel like I've become a little kid again who has just been caught doing something wrong and is about to be punished for it. I don't know where to look other than down at my feet as I lean back against the worktop and wait for the storm to hit between Allison and Luca.

"Unbelievable," Allison mutters.

"Good morning to you, too, Allison." Luca says, walking over to us while running a hand through his hair.

"Do one," Allison responds with a bite to her words.

I look at Allison with pleading eyes for her to at least tone down her attitude but she's watching Luca as he walks out to the hall. I can see him rolling his shoulders as he walks and looks through the array of coats and jackets hanging up near the front door.

"If you tell me where you've put my jacket, I might just be inclined to do so."

"Oh, was that yours?" She follows him to the hall and shrugs. "I thought it was for the bin but seeing as you can afford to buy another one, it shouldn't really matter."

"Fair enough." Luca turns and shrugs. "However, if you have a spare fifty thousand lying round in your bank account for me to get a new car, I'll take it. I mean, considering that my car keys were in one of the pockets of my jacket. I think it's only fair that I get compensated for a new car as I have no way of getting into my car to drive to my home."

They've entered into a stare-off and it's off-putting because neither will want to stand down. Although, I know Allison will crack and give him his jacket back so she doesn't have to deal with him much longer than she has to.

The stay silent for a few more seconds before Allison storms off into my bedroom and returns with Luca's jacket.

"Take it and get out," she instructs, throwing it at him as she passes.

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