Chapter 6

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It's not a date.

It is not a date.

It most certainly isn't a date date.

All this is is dinner between two friends – who just so happen to be exes – in a fancy restaurant having a catch up after not seeing each other in years.

I have to remind myself of all those points with every passing moment as the car I'm in gets closer to my proposed destination. Jones is keeping to the speed limits, much to my delight, but I'd like him to drive slower if he could.

I'm just as nervous as I was when I walked into Luca's office earlier today, maybe even a tad bit more if that's possible.

When I left Luca's office and was reunited with Allison, I kept quiet as to what happened as we were in the company of Jones as he drove us home. But as soon as we got out the car and out of earshot, I told her everything.

She said I was crazy to agree to go to dinner with my ex and in some instances, I am. But I did explain that he had said he wasn't taking no for an answer and her train of thought went to same conclusion as what mine did – he'd turn up at my flat with food.

"We're here, Miss. Fletcher."

I look at the rear view mirror as Jones looks back at me.

"Mr. Madden has instructed that I escort you in."

"That's fine," I part smile.

I've suddenly found myself agreeing with Jones too easily. For all I've been so resistant and reserved until late, now I'm here at the restaurant, a part of me is almost excited to be going to dinner with Luca if I'm being honest.

God, what is happening to me?

One moment I'm a nervous wreck inside, the next I'm enthusiastic. I can't seem to pick one emotion and stick to it.

It's all Luca's fault. I'm blaming him and there's no point in saying it's not because I was fine until I saw him again.

For God's sake, Kaylee!

Now I'm just repeating every thought I've had since yesterday. I'm just going round in circles and it's all because of one person. This is what Luca does and I don't like it. I need my head to be screwed on straight but as long as he's around, that won't happen.

The car door next to me opens and I get out, ensuring that I don't twist my ankle in the strappy heels Allison picked out for me. I hold my clutch bag in one hand as Jones leads the way.

The exterior is modern – all white with large black windows covering a total of eight floors. A long section of glass windows like the ones above, along with two sets of revolving doors, run along the width of the modern building before me. Two smarty doormen stand at either door, welcoming guests as they come and go.

The black rugs at each door on the pavement have the name 'Fournier' clearly written on them in gold script writing. It matches the sign clearly visible on the building above the glass doors on a black background.

As I get closer to one of the entrances, it hits me.

This isn't just a restaurant.

It's a hotel with the restaurant I'm going to within it.

That sneaky git.

I want to curse at the top of my lungs but hold it in as a doorman moves to open a door between the two revolving ones.

"Evening, Miss." He greets with a nod and tip of the black top hat he's wearing.

I nod in acknowledgment to him with a small smile before stepping over the threshold.

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