Chapter 25

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"Is there anything else you need, Mr. Madden?"

Luca's hand falls away from the base of my back, allowing me to take a few careful steps away from him without a guided hand. The sound of my high heels on the marble floor echoes through the quiet house and stops when I come in line with the staircase going up to the second floor. I grip my clutch bag with both hands and turn to look at the two males standing by the front door.

"Not tonight, Carlo."

Luca gestures for Carlo to leave and he does so without anything being said. I turn my attention away from Luca as he locks the front door and turns the security alarm on.

I sigh silently and look round the hallway.

It's different at night with the spotlights on, lighting up every floor and casting shadows over the area were the perfectly placed furniture is. I walk over to the side where an oversized ottoman sits and place my clutch bag on it. I don't remember seeing it there the last time I was here but I wasn't really paying any attention to anything as I was suffering a hangover. I straighten up and turn, Luca's hand instantly finding mine.

I look at him and smile.

"Come with me," he smiles.

I don't hesitate in following him closely as he leads the way up the stairs. I should object to going up the stairs with him because it only ends one way when you get to the top and it's too soon for that.

Way too soon.

My steps are small and calculated, two steps behind Luca who is relaxed and going at my pace so I don't stumble and twist my ankle on the shiny surface. That would be the last thing I need to happen and it would be an awkward one to explain how I done it.

When we get to the top of the stairs we take a sharp right, Luca opening a dark wooden door and turning on the lights. He lets go of my hand and walks further in the room. When he moves from my line of sight the room becomes clearer to me – it's a bedroom.

A serious expression crosses my face as I look at him near the bed. He can't seriously think that I'm going to sleep with him after we only agreed to give things another go only a couple of hours ago. He needs his head tested if he thinks things are going to go down that road tonight. I'd happily give him a punch and leave without saying a thing to him but how I'd get home with no money or the address as to where I am, I'd just have to wing it.

"Before you say anything or before it enters your mind, I'm not going to have sex with you."

Too late for that.

I look at Luca as he stands next to the bed and picks up a black remote control. He presses a couple of buttons causing the roman blinds close over the windows and French doors. I almost make a sound of disbelief but hold back from doing so. I'm impressed but I don't want it to show.

I've heard about technology that do those things but I didn't expect him to have it in his house. I thought he would have hired someone to come in and open and close all the blinds for him. He has people who do other things for him, why he wouldn't have someone to do the simplest things like that is somewhat surprising.

I walk further into the bedroom and take in my new surroundings.

Like the rest of the house, the walls are neutral with the furnishings a mixture of both mirror and dark wood. The marble floor is replaced with a sumptuous carpet that has me removing my shoes so I can walk across it better as I move towards the finely made bed where Luca is standing. I place my shoes down next to the bed and look at the two red velvet chairs with white cushions at either side of the French doors. They add that spot of colour to the room that matches the two red cushions on the bed. Two large floor-length mirrors are on the wall at either side of the bed with a dark wood trim, and a black and white marble fireplace opposite me complete the room.

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