Chapter 17

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"You're such a cheapskate buying me lunch the now."

I smile while putting my sunglasses into my bag. "Well, Allison, you did say that I had to buy you lunch today. You didn't specify as to when I had to buy you lunch today."

"Yeah yeah." She waves her store bought salad at me and I step away from her while sniggering. "How the hell am I supposed to eat this without a proper plate and cutlery?"

"Surely your office has those in their canteen?" I step towards the entrance to my office. I squint my eyes as I look back at her.

"They do but I don't like to eat there. Plus, a salad is also a cheap thing to buy for lunch."

"Be grateful I bought you something," I defend.

"I am." She steps forward and gives me a hug. "Thank you for lunch." I smile briefly as she steps back and walks in the direction of her office. "I'll see you at five."

"Bye Allison."

I enter the building and put on a fake smile at the sight of Pamela sitting behind the reception desk for the third time this week.

"Good morning, Pamela."

"Morning, Kaylee."

I make it to the stairs before the sound of her voice travelling to me has me stopping with a single foot on the first step.

"A bouquet of flowers came for you about ten minutes ago."

I turn my head back to her, my eyes scanning the reception desk for the flowers she's talking about. "And they are where, exactly?"

"Julia took them up to your office when she came in before you," she informs, paying more attention to her computer screen than to me.

She's wanting to know who they're from and I'm not going to fall for it. I'm not going to take her bait but I know that she'll be up standing outside my office at the lunch break wanting to know anything and everything about why I got flowers delivered to my office. Joke is still going to be on her because I'm keeping my mouth firmly shut on this matter, meaning that she has stuck around in the office for nothing instead of finishing at lunch.

"I see." I start walking up the stairs. "Thanks for telling me, Pamela."

I walk up the rest of the stairs to my office and smile at Julia before looking through the glass door into my office at the flowers I was made aware of.

"I brought them up for you," Julia announces.

I open the door and walk into the office. "Thank you."

"Didn't want blabbermouth Pam to read the card to get some gossip on you."

"You're such a good assistant, Julia." I look at her momentarily to smile and so she can see how grateful I am to her for bringing the flowers up out of Pamela's way. "Was there a card with them?"

"I sat it next to the pile of letters for you."


I shut the door and walk over to my desk, dropping my bag onto the floor when I get there and picking up the small white envelope. I glance at the bouquet of pale pink of calla lilies in the clear vase.

I pull the white card from the envelope and read.

Jones said your office was a little plain looking

when he dropped your lunch off. Thought a bouquet

of flowers would brighten it up a little seeing as

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