Chapter 31

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My feet don't seem to move quick enough. I have my mum and dad pushing at me to move quicker but I'm going as fast as I can. I yank the front open so hard that it hits off the wall and has no doubt left a dent in it. My mum won't care, though, as long as we get outside quickly.

I have a genuine worry at seeing Declan pinning Luca to the side of his car and Luca trying to keep him at arms length so he doesn't get too close. I know Declan will be looking to cause harm to Luca and I'm worried for both of them. If Declan throws the first punch, I know Luca will have someone close by who will jump in and cause harm to my brother in defence of Luca.

Just seeing them together like this, hands fisted into each other's clothing, is a completely different sight to see when you're outside. Chloe's pleads to Declan are going unheard as she tries her hardest to pull our brother away but she's failing miserably at that, too. From inside, none of this seems as tense as it is now we're trying to break it up.

"You shouldn't be here," Declan says. "You've caused my family nothing but trouble."

"Declan, let him go." My dad advises, one arm wrapping across Declan's chest and the other under his arm. He pulls at him but Declan doesn't budge. "It's not worth it."

"I don't give a damn. He's caused nothing but agro to all of us, not just Kaylee." Declan slams Luca back against the car and clenches his fists tighter into his leather jacket. "He seems to think that he's the big man all of a sudden because he's got money and people around him to do things for him."

I push at my brother to let Luca go but it's no good. "Declan, let him go."

"Not until I have his face imprinted into the side of this fucking car."

"Declan, let him go!" My dad says through gritted teeth, his face going redder as he struggles to pull his son away.

I look at my dad and push at Declan again. Declan acting out isn't helping matters with anyone and I don't want anything to happen to my dad while he's trying to break this up. He could have a more serious heart attack and Declan will only blame himself for causing it because he didn't listen. It'll stay with him for the rest of his life and there will be no coming back from it for him.

"Things have been sorted out in the house," my mum starts, pulling at Declan's hands to try and help Luca get away. "Declan, you don't have to do this."

"But I do," Declan tells her. "You don't see what I see when I look at him."

Chloe pulls at Declan's arms. "Which is what? A bullseye? Declan, come on!"

"He seems to think that Kaylee will just give up her job and follow him around the world in one of his planes. He thinks that just because he has money, he can buy her happiness with it. She's been to hell and back since he left and the fact she has a job she loves will all go out the window now he's back."

"Declan, I would never ask her to quit her job just so she can be with me." Luca tells him. "It wouldn't make her happy."

"And what would happen down the line if the pair of you decided to get married? You'd still be off travelling around the world and she'd be left at home to look after the house. Who says that the distance between the two of you will have you staying faithful? Answer that one."

"I've been nothing but faithful to your sister since the day I met her. Even now that we've been back in touch again, I've stayed faithful despite only making things official last week. I'm never going to be anything but faithful to her."

"You're a liar." Declan pulls at Luca before slamming him back against the car. My mum screams a little at the sound and my dad groans as he tries pulling at Declan once more. "Everything that comes out of your mouth is a damn lie."

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