Chapter 29

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"I didn't see Mrs. Blane's car parked up outside," Allison comments, joining me in the kitchen. "Do you think Luca did something to her?"

"You're making it sound like he's in the mafia or something," I say, putting the clean plates away in a cupboard.

"Hey, I wouldn't put it past him to know of some people connected to them. Who knows who he hangs around with in America."

I smile and put the cutlery away in the cutlery drawer.

I've been in a happier mood since coming home and it's mainly to do with the fact that my mum called me on the way home from work to say that my dad wants to see me tomorrow to talk. The call was brief but it meant a lot to me that they're both willing to sit down and talk to me about this mess. I was so overjoyed to hear from her that I almost forgot to ask what time I had to be there at. It was just nice to hear her voice after not hearing from her for a few days.

The sound of someone knocking on the front door has me closing the drawer with my hip and moving out the kitchen to answer it.

"Better not be a damn reporter," Allison comments, following me closely. "Greg told me he had one at his house this morning wanting to know who I was to Luca."

"I somehow think we're safe the now from those reporters," I assure.

I peek through the peephole and roll my eyes at Allison.

"Well?" She asks, leaning against the doorframe.

I unlock the door and let Luca in.

"It's done," he says after squeezing past me into the flat.

"So it was her?" Allison asks.

Luca turns to Allison and sighs. "It was for that story, yes."

I close the door and fold my arms over my chest. "What about all the others?"

"We finally have a grip on things," he informs, turning his attention to me. "I have, though, been advised to do an interview regarding the stories so everything is set right."

I look at Allison who is vigorously shaking her head. I know she's thinking the same thing as me – none of this is going to end with either of us being left alone again.

"It's going to be the only way things will calm down," Luca adds.

"Calm down? Things will calm down?" I repeat with my eyes widen. "Things won't calm down because my life will still be written about. People will still dig for information on me and my family."

"Not if I do the interview and have it all planned out with what I'm going to say."

Allison scoffs. She moves to stand next to me. "This is coming from the guy who couldn't get this all handled the morning after it all happened."

"Allison, I've got it sorted." Luca tells her.

"For you," she points out, "not for her or me."

"For everyone involved and that includes you, believe it or not."

I know where this conversation is heading and I've had enough of their petty arguments over the least wee thing.

"When will this interview take place?" I change the subject swiftly and it shuts Allison up before she goes on with her defence of me.

Luca takes a deep and runs a hand through his hair. "Tomorrow under the strict supervision of my parents and lawyers."

Allison laughs and holds onto the wall behind us. "Poor Luca Madden has to be watched by his parents to make sure he doesn't do something bad. Boo-bloody-hoo."

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