Chapter 37

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Just like he did the last time he was taking me to see Luca, Jones argued that Allison was not come with me. He was adamant that it was only me that was to go but seeing as Allison is on the warpath, he didn't question her shouting at him and poking a finger in his chest as she made her argument for going with me clear.

Nothing was said during the car ride. There was nothing to be said because the people both Allison and I were wanting to speak with weren't in the car. Poor Jones just so happened to get the brunt of Allison's never ending rage that will come to light when she sees Luca and Jane.

We arrive at Luca's house an hour after leaving mine. As soon as the car stops, Allison is out and marching up the steps and into the house before Jones has time to turn the engine off. I get out the car and ran after her, leaving my bag sitting on the back seat in the car.

"Allison, think of what you're going to do and don't do what you said you're going to do." I breathe as I catch up to her. I grab at her wrist but she brushes me off. "Allison, please."

"She's not getting away with it," she tells me, walking straight for the door that leads to Luca's office. "I know she's here because her damn car is parked up outside."

"How do you even know what car she has? For all you know it could be Luca's."

"I've seen it in the news articles," she answers. "A flashy red Mercedes SL 500. I can't see Luca driving that, can you?"

I open my mouth to answer her but don't as she pushes the door to the office open and steps into the room. I follow her closely and stop only a foot away from her when the woman Allison came to hit comes into view. She's standing next to Nick and Luca is behind his desk, all three of them now looking in our direction like we've just interrupted something and shouldn't be here at all.

"Kaylee, if you could give me five minutes. I'm just in the middle of wrapping things up with-" Luca starts to explain.

"So this is where you run to?" Allison butts in, her eyes focused on Jane. "You come into Kaylee's flat and use your pathetic therapist shit on her which leaves her in tears and come running to your son? You really are a nasty bitch, aren't you?"

"Excuse me?" Jane says innocently.

"You heard me," Allison responds.

"Eh, what's going on?" Luca asks, looking from Allison then to his mum and back again.

"Your witch of a mother stopped by Kaylee's flat an hour ago and started sprouting some therapy shit at her, that's what's going on."

"I think you're mistaken, dear." Jane smirks.

"Don't you fucking 'dear' me. If anything, you should be to fuck backing away from me because I'm about to show you what happens when you mess with my sister."

I move to stand in front of Allison and grab a hold of her before she has a chance to lunge at Jane. "Allison, stop it."

Luca is on his feet and rounding his desk to keep everyone apart as I try to restrain Allison. "Someone better start explaining to me what the hell is going on?"

"Ask your fucking mother!" Allison snaps. "I dare you."

"Jane what did you do?" Nick calmly asks his wife.

I turn my head and look at Jane, waiting to see if she tells the truth or lies her ass off.

"I simply stopped by Kaylee's flat this morning and we had a chat," she informs calmly. "There is nothing wrong with me wanting to have a chat with my sons' girlfriend, is there?"

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