Chapter 7

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The walk to the exit is done in silence. Luca's hand is at the base of my back, not touching it but depending on the either of us move, I can feel it touch my back.

I can see the waiting Audi I was in before with Jones standing next to it, as well as a blacked out Jaguar in front of it with Carlo standing at the back of it. Looking at both Jones and Carlo standing side-by-side in their black suits and ties, hands clasped together, legs slightly apart . . . . it's intimidating.

There's a crowd of people standing close by at either side and my breath catches in my throat.


I register the cameras either hanging round their necks or in their hands and I stall. I stop walking and it causes Luca's hand to fall flat on my back and him to stop walking too.

"Don't let them worry you," he whispers, standing close to me.

I can feel the heat from his body, his hot breath on the side of my face. It's almost comforting but I don't care.

Allison told me about his private life being broadcasted in the news and on social media. It's a very talked about subject, mainly due to the fact that he doesn't have a steady girlfriend and when he does and they break up, there's no trace of them to be found online.

I know I'm not his girlfriend, but I once was. As soon as we step out of this building towards the cars, they'll track me down and post about everything they can find on me. I'll be the talk of my office and the world. My name will be in the news and my family will see and read all about it. They'll question me and I'll hit a breakdown.

I'll lose the plot and . . .

"Kaylee, I've got this."

I look at Luca and he nods silently to me.

"Trust me."

I don't have time to respond before he takes my hand in his, his fingers intertwining with mine, and leading the way out the hotel.

The doorman doesn't smile this time around like before. It's like he knows this isn't the time to do so when we're trying to make a fast getaway through the crowd that's formed.

Flashes of light come from all angles and my grip on both Luca's hand and my clutch bag tightens to a point that I think my knuckles are turning white.


"Mr. Madden, over here!"

"Luca, who's the woman?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Is this a date?"

"How long have you two been together?"


Everything moves fast. One moment Luca has my hand and we're making our way through the crowd that are trying to be held back with more security, the next moment I'm in the back the Audi with Jones in the driver's seat and no Luca holding my hand.

"Seatbelt, Miss. Fletcher." Jones instructs as the car slowly merges into the traffic.

"Where's Luca?" I ask, my voice tainted with worry.

"He's safe in the car up front with Carlo. I'll take you home."

Thank God.

Relief washes over me and I settle more comfortably into the leather seat, putting my seatbelt on.

Now I know exactly what Allison said when she said his life had changed. It's crazy and not something I can live with.

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