Chapter 27

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Every time my phone rings, I think it's one of my parents that's calling so we can talk about the mess that's been created because I didn't tell them about Luca being back. It's neither of them, only Luca who is making sure I'm alright. I never answered the phone, only listened to the voicemails that he left and replied to one of the numerous texts he sent. It was a simple answer so he knew I was fine and that was it.

I don't want to brush him off but not speaking to my family is more important to me right now than how things with Luca and I are. He'll be persistent and come to check on me, I know he will. It's what he does and what he's always done.

The only person I've mainly been in contact with has been Allison and that's only because she texted me asking how I was after seeing the numerous articles about Luca and I online. She has been like a rock for me through this despite not physically being here to talk to help me through this.

Chloe did text me to check up on me and has been keeping me updated with how everyone has been acting since they found out. She told me that our gran and grandpa had been round to talk to my dad but he didn't care to hear them out. From what she said, my gran was the one trying to make him understand where I was coming from but he wasn't having it. He didn't want to know, only wanted to knock Luca's lights out because of the pain he put me through when he left.

My gran even came to visit me with some homemade meals for me to eat. She filled the freezer up with all the food and heard me out. I just cried and explained everything to her which she got. She understood everything and told me that I had to give my dad time but I don't want to do that. I want to speak to him and tell him my side before he sees anymore articles about Luca and I in the news or before their lives make it into the news.

I think the day she was leaving was the day Luca had turned up to check on me. I'm not quite sure. I heard voices outside my flat as well as outside, one male and one female, saying that things were a mess and that it was all someone's fault for not dealing and not predicting that this would happen.

It most likely was Luca and I know my gran would have been stern with him in her words. Anything she would have said to him would have been taken on board as a warning as well as a piece of advice. He would have listened to her and backed off until the time is right for both of us to talk about this.

All of that happened three days ago and its now Monday. I don't know what's waiting for me when I step outside into the world where people will look at me with curious eyes. I just have to do the best I can and do everything with a forced smile that will hide the sadness that has consumed me on the inside.

I don't know how I've managed it but I've somehow accomplished the task of pulling myself together enough to get up early and be ready for work. I'm almost jumping for joy when I open the curtains and blinds in my flat to see that it's raining outside. I can get away with wearing a coat and having an umbrella up as a way of trying to merge into the background under the nose of everyone. Even if I do catch people looking at me, I hope it's only briefly and not someone shoving a camera in my face to get a picture and a new story about Luca Madden's 'secret' girlfriend.

My black trench coat is buttoned all the way up and my purple scarf is covering my lips at all times during my journey to work this morning. When I'm walking in the rain, my umbrella is up and from what I can tell, no one is bating an eye at me when I'm either in or out the the rain. I thought they might say something as I have the music on iPod up full blast through my headphones. They don't and it makes my journey somewhat easier and more manageable.

I make it to work bang on nine and pull my headphones from my ears. I hold the wire in my hand and smile at the male sitting at the reception desk. "Morning, Eric."

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