Chapter Two

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[ P A S T ]

She had no idea what was going on, or where she was at. Of course not, she had thought. Having a bunch of boy's staring blankly down at her almost in shock, wasn't her ideal of comfort. It was almost as though, they've never seen a girl before.

She couldn't tell how many there were, to many vibration's to count, her mind was beyond confused. She flinched once she felt one of the boy's had jumped down into the Box, with her. She wasn't exactly expecting that, considering her vision was a black-hole.

He took a good look at her eyes, noticing they were far different from himself and the other's. He noticed there was something unusual about her, and couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Suddenly she broke the silence with a word she most desperately felt like saying, "Nova." She didn't know why she said it, but it was like an urge, like something was making her say it. And she had a pretty good feeling that, it had something to do with her.

When the boy got closer to her, she scrambled to the corner of the metal crate she was held captive in, she was scared. "Easy, we're not going to hurt you." The boy spoke softly, seeming like he had the origin of British.

"This shank gonna come out or not?" A boy from up above with a deeper voice, had broken the mood.

"Slim-it Gally," The one who was in the metal crate with her, had fierce in his tone. "She just got here, she's all shaken up, give her some time."

Nova was quite confused on the strange language they used to communicate, but she also found it quite intriguing. Unique.

 The boy who seemed to be British had slowly taken Nova's hand, as she shivered slightly. "It's okay." He assured her, with a light smile. As she let him do his bidding.

He knew there was something up with the girl, which he assumed to be named Nova, from what she had said minute's earlier. So he helped her find her way out of the metal crate, which brought her into her new found home.

Once Nova was out, she balanced on all fours, figuring out where she was. She felt the smooth grass below, in-between her finger's. Her eyes darted from side-to-side trying to configure any type of color or image, but it was no use, all she saw was a load of nothingness. Not even a single glimpse of light. She wanted to see the sun for the first time, as far as she knew, but she couldn't.

"What's wrong with the Greenie?" Another boy with a scratchy voice spoke, sounding like he had smoked twenty packets of cigarette's.

"Clyde, don't be so rude." The British boy had defended Nova once again, and she was glad he was. The comments of other's made her feel uneasy, she didn't like it.

"Well, Newt, what do you think we should do with her?" The boy - also known as Gally - asked.

The British boy who's name was Newt, thought for a bit. "We should get her to the homestead, and then once she's settled, we'll decide what we should do at the gathering."

Gally nodded in agreement.


Nova's breath hitched once she felt two boy's pick her up to her feet, it was so sudden she almost screamed, but she held back and calmed herself.

They dragged her so quickly, she could hardly get her feet to quit dragging underneath her. Trying to walk with them, in sync to the beat of both of their footsteps, as much as she possibly could.

She noticed that they entered the building, they had called homestead. She could tell by the climate change, it wasn't so cold. Also for the fact that, she could hear their footsteps now on wood instead of grass.

 The two boy's sat her down in a wooden chair, that wasn't too comfortable, but was doable for sitting.

"Stay here, we'll come get you once we figure out what's going to happen." One of the boy's had said, with a low voice, seeming a bit shy.

Nova didn't speak, she was too much in shock to speak. So she merely nodded, to tell them, 'Okay, I understand.'

They believed she would stay put, as they exited the building known as, the homestead. And left Nova to wait. Wait for seconds, minute's, hours, maybe even day's. She didn't know how long. She just waited.

Nova didn't know what was to come of her, she only hoped it wasn't something bad.


Here's chapter two! ^_^

Thanks for all of the support, It means a lot! ^-^

Love you all! <3

Love you all! <3

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