Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Without any second thoughts, Nova amalgamated with Newt, hugging him as tightly as she could. Half of her emotions went to being grateful that he was okay, and the other half went to mourning their lost friends in the Griever brawl.

As his breath slowed in pace, calming down knowing that everything was going well. Newt hugged back, and placed a light kiss upon Nova's temple. Which, as always, caused a smile to grow on her pale face.

They looked down both corridors in this new designated, closed-off area. From right to left. It was hallow, dark, and a little scary. With only one lightbulb to allow them to see. Minus Nova, of course.

That was until, a crack echoed through the chasm hallway and more lights flickered on, left to right.

Nova felt nervous again, and Newt brought his hand into hers just like he did before the Griever fight. He seemed to like doing that a lot, but Nova didn't mind. Not one bit.

Thomas walked down the seemingly endless hallway, as the Gladers followed. They walked slowly and carefully, not knowing what to expect.

And once Newt stopped, that's when Nova assumed that they reached a checkpoint of sorts, and she followed suit. Stopping next to him.

"Seriously?" Frypan sarcastically scoffed.

"What?" Nova asked, not knowing what he was referring to.

"There's an 'exit' sign right above the door right in front of us." Frypan explained.

"Oh..." Nova nodded. But then scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion. Frypan was correct, seriously?

Thomas caustiously turned the knob and opened the mysterious door, as it cracked. Almost seeming like it hadn't been opened in quite a while...

Nova began to follow, as she felt her arm being pulled. Which told her that Newt was moving, so that meant the group was moving as well. Right into the mysterious room.

Nova heard the Gladers scuffle in disgust. "What?" She whispered, using her indoor voice.

"Trust me, Nova." Winston shuddered, shaking his head. "Be lucky you're blind right now, because you wouldn't want to see this..."

Whatever it was, she knew it was bad. Her nose cringed as she smelt the horrid stench, she quickly brought her shirt over her nose and coughed out in putrid disgust.

"Oh, s-shuck-" Nova coughed out with a stutter. Her throat convulsing. "Yeah, you're right Winston. If it smells this bad, I'm glad I can't see the horror of it."

Though, as she says this, she can hardly hear herself. Let alone hear herself think. Due to all of the alarms blaring through the room, it caused a slight headache. She rubbed at her temple, with a light hiss.

"You alright, love?" Newt asked, worried.

Nova nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She faked a smile.

In reality, she wasn't okay. Not fully, at least. She thinks its the Changing still taking a toll on her. But she tried to block it out, because now wasn't the time. Now was the time of freedom and hope.

Glass shattered under their feet as they wandered further into the room, as Nova almost trips by accident.

Without knowing, her foot lands on a pistol from a corpse on the ground. The corpse almost seemed a little fresh. As the pistol slipped, causing her to tumble.

"Woah, woah-" Newt breathed, quickly wrapping his arms around Nova, and bringing her back onto her feet.

Newt then adds, "Be-careful, there's glass and guns almost everywhere." Nova nods, understanding.

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