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Riley was back in half an hour but it felt like minutes to John who was now swimming in newspapers from 1905. He progresses rather quickly. She brought him some order-in because he didn't seem to catch a break and he got her a bit worried. He hasn't asked for a glass of water or a cup of coffee and even though these are restricted in this area, she wouldn't say no to him.

"John? I'm sorry to interrupt but you've been here for ages ... You must be hungry." She lifted the paper bag from a fast food chain for him to see.

"Isn't this violating the policy?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I won't tell if you won't..." She said invitingly.

"In that case... " John swept all the papers aside and made plenty of room for the food. "That's very nice of you, thank you."

"Please, that's no trouble. You seemed very engaged. Enjoy your meal." She turned to leave but he stopped her.

"Would you care to join? Please?" He really didn't want her to leave.

"I've just eaten. But I can drink my tea with you." And she didn't really want to leave, either.

"That would be great." John smiled. Riley put down her cup and was about to sit.

"Actually, Riley, may I ask you ... your tea smells great."

She laughed. "I'll be back in five."

John couldn't care less about a cup of tea but this provided him more time than he needed. The moment Riley disappeared, he fetched a flask from his blazer and poured a sip of clear liquid into her cup. He hurried to put the flask back. If Riley is safe to be around she won't even notice he did anything. But if she is not quite who she tells she is . . . John was preoccupied with his work everywhere he went.

Riley was back in flash with another cup of tea and put it in front of John. Then she finally sat down opposite of him and put her hands around her warm cup.

"For a minute there I thought you were about to send me away. You gave me food instead." He spoke first.

"It's past the closing time actually, but I haven't had the heart to interrupt you."

"I'm so sorry. I've lost a track of time."

"I really don't mind. I often stay after closing hours."

"So you're a studied librarian?" John led the conversation forward.

"Oh no, I'm just helping out on my days off. I'm studying but I can't keep my head out of books."

"You remind me of my son. He's a bookworm as well."

"Is he your only kid?"

"No, I've got two sons, actually, but you... You remind me of Sammy. He was in university as well but then..."

"It wasn't what he was looking for?" Riley asked like she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"No, he ... family business happened." His mood sunk and something clearly bit at him.

"Is your other son in the family business as well?" Riley tried to get to the point of his mood.

"Dean, yes, he is. They're working together. They're a bit different but they found a way to each other I guess. After I lost my wife we moved a lot and they had to take care of each other."

"I'm sorry." She could easily understand that being a journalist was taking him places.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, too." He winced.

John was still not eating but reached for the tea. "To bookworms." He toasted, disturbing the silence.

"To bookworms." Riley repeated and looked into John's eyes while their cups met in the middle of the desk.

John's eyes did not leave her as she put the cup to her lips. Pretending to drink, John reached back into his pocket and clasped the flask again.

Riley flinched a bit as she drunk and he grasped the flask even tighter ready to yank it out right away. She swallowed and said. "It's still a bit hot, be careful."

John eased the grip and let his hand slip out of his jacket. There was no steam seeping out of Riley's mouth, she was not chocking on the medicine he gave her and her eyes did not go all black with fury. She was safe, he eased back a little and started to eat.

In the world where John lives, he was forced to believe in everything. Everything was real ... Vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, witches, even demons. Sadly, the world he lives in, is the same world everybody else lives in. Even Riley. And she just passed his test with the holy water. She was human. Or at least no demon. After that, John started to be more talkative and engaged Riley in a nice dinner conversation while they both ate. She registered the change in his behavior but it was nothing strange that he started to be more warmer than just polite. Food does that to people.

Half and hour later Riley felt like she knew John's family like her own. He really was a charmer and he knew exactly how to draw her into the conversation. His meal was long gone and they were still sitting and talking. It was easy to see he cared about his sons a lot.

"Alright, I should get back to work, so we can go to sleep. I hate to hold you up like this. Are you sure your parents are okay with this?"

"I wouldn't know. It was only me and my dad and he died just recently."

"I'm sorry, Riley. It must be hard on you. Are you staying with grandparents or somebody?"

Riley shook her head. "Dad was my only family. It's just me for now. Maybe I'll find some roommates later but now ... I'm okay on my own. I'm sure nobody wants to spend their time with the mourning girl anyway."

"Are you joking! You are very nice to be around."

"Thank you, you too. I'll leave you to it now. No rush or anything I can't get bored in the library anyway."

Riley left John to his work, sad she wouldn't get another chance to talk to him. And boy, was she wrong!

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