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Sam and Dean Winchester were on the road for almost a year now. Two brothers switching cities like clean socks. (That sadly doesn't happen so often since they are on the move constantly.)

They basically live in a car, Dean's car, which he's riding now. Sam, the younger brother, is sleeping in the next seat. They'll switch places later and maybe, just maybe, Dean lets Sam drive his precious Impala, so he can get some beauty sleep for himself.

They're heading to another town to work a case. They're hunters but they don't hunt animals. Sam and Dean hunt supernatural things. Priceless legacy from their father, John Winchester.

They were in this business since forever and they didn't seem to catch a break. Another case, another city. On and on and on.

The radio was humming silently one of the songs Sam hates. He squirmed in his sleep.

"I can hear it, you know." He said annoyed.

"Shut up!" Dean snapped.

"No need to be rude..." Sam was picking himself up from his sleeping position.

"No, I mean ... shut up." Dean was searching pockets of his leather jacket for a ringing phone.

"Who is it?" Sam asked. They didn't expect any calls at this ungodly hour let alone this one.

"It's ... Dad."

"Dad?" Sam was fully awake now. His attention on Dean's phone. Their dad haven't called for something like a year now. He wouldn't pick up, answer the messages even if it was an emergency. He let the brothers cope with the situation themselves. He might as well be dead for all they knew.

"What are you waiting for?" Sam urged Dean. "Answer it!"

Dean put the phone to his ear. "Dad?"

Sam was hanging on his every word, but Dean stayed silent for a while.

"Who are you? Where's my dad?"

"Who is it?" Sam echoed Dean's question.

"Where are you?" Dean asked listening closely. "We'll be there."

Dean hit the brakes, putting the phone down. "Slight change of plans." He said and turned the car around.


Hello to any spnfamily reading this. How are you feeling about the story so far? I'd love to know. There is more where this came from.


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