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Ringing of the phone pierced into Dean's sleeping mind. He opened his eyes, it was still dark outside. The caller ID showed SAM.

"Finally! Dean, Dad's up!" Sam was so excited to tell his brother, he was hardly catching his breath.

"What? When?" Dean sat up on the couch, rubbing the sleep quickly from his eyes. He needed to be in full consciousness for this.

"Just now!" Sam raised his voice a little bit, slightly irritated by the fact Dean was not in the hospital or at least out of the door. "Hurry up, come down here," he urged his brother.

"Is he okay?" Dean was already on his way up the stairs to fetch Riley so they could both head to the hospital. This was the news they were all hoping for.

"He's good as new. Get Riley and come here. He's asking for you."

"Yeah, we're on our ... Riley?" Dean opened the door to the room she was sleeping in and she was not in the bed. He headed for the bathroom immediately.

"What is it, Dean?" Sam knew from the tone of Dean's voice something was not right and it certainly wasn't.

"She's not here, Sam." Dean turned and began to check every room for the girl he was supposed to babysit.

"What do you mean she is not ... Where is she? Where were you?" Sam started to panic. How come he had not seen that coming, he couldn't figure that out for the love of god. Their Dad getting up out of the blue in the middle of one of the worst storms Sam ever saw. And then the chilling silence. It was too good to be true.

"I passed out on the couch ... She's gone!" Dean checked every corner of the house, ending up back in the living room. Unsure of what to do next, look for Riley, head to hospital, he needed to consult with Sam. But the other end of the line caught some static and transmitted only some smothered words.

Sam wouldn't answer.

"Sam? What's going on? SAM!" Dean's unease escalated in matter of seconds. His hunter mode was full on.

"Dean?" Sam's voice suddenly cut through the fidgeting and the signal was clear like before. His voice was quiet, resigned, he was not the relieved son anymore. "We'll deal with her later. Just come down here, it's ... It's Dad."

The Impala was speeding down the roads again. Entering the town was like crossing a border to another dimension. Signs of local natural disaster were all over the place. Dean had to navigate through fallen branches and pools of water after the pouring rain.

Sam was waiting for Dean by the hospital entrance just like before when he had demon Riley in the backseat. Only this time Dean didn't wait for Sam to hop in. He launched out.

"What's wrong with Dad?" He confronted Sam.

"He's gone." Sam told him as a matter of fact.

"What do you mean gone? How could he ... " Dean was bewildered.

Sam shrugged. "He's the best hunter we know don't ask me how could he sneak out of, well ... anywhere."

"Two missing people in one night under our watch. Freaking fantastic! Did you try his phone?"

However stupid the supervisory question was, Sam answered. "Wouldn't pick up."

"How are we going to find him now?" Dean imagined John disappearing again and it made him sick. They couldn't lose him again. And while he was picking himself up in his head, Sam's took over setting their direction.

"Well," he shrugged, "there's been a case in this town. And Dad's not leaving his business unfinished..."

Dean caught his gaze. "We have to work the case. And we better move quickly."

"Bobby's already doing what he can. What about Riley?" Sam furrowed his brow.

Dean scoffed. "I've got a feeling she's a much bigger part of this than we thought."


Author's Note:

So happy you're here.



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