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When Sam and Dean reached Slayton town in their '67 Chevy Impala, it was dark out and Dean was driving again.

Both brothers were looking out of the windows. Everything on the main street was closed, not a running car was in sight, except theirs. There was nobody in the streets, all the curtains were closed.

"Well, this is what I call ghost town." Dean broke the silence. Radio was playing some classic rock tunes in the background anyway.

Sam nodded and his body tensed even more. Something was off. He knew it, Dean knew it and their dad probably knew it as well.

By the time they reached the hospital and got out of the car the town didn't seem so dead anymore. The dogs were going nuts. They all decided to bark at the same time.

"Whatever is going on around here, it must've got to him." Sam said looking around the parking lot.

"We will find out in no time." Dean growled and launched head first into the hospital building.

The nurse at nurse station looked up to the sound of heavy boots marching in her direction and was on her feet in an instant. "Who's injured?"

"Our dad, he's been ..."  Dean started.

"Oh yes," she said relieved nobody else was brought in, "Riley's been expecting you. She's with him ..."

"Wait, you left our dad with a stranger? She's not family!" Dean could not believe what he was hearing.

"Well, she brought him here ..."

"Did it ever occurred to you, she might've bring him here because she caused him the injuries? Where are they?" Dean wouldn't give her a break.

The nurse was scared at this point. Two strangers marched in in the middle of the night. They might've been anybody! People these days ...

"Down this hall, last door on the left." She pointed to the corridor.

Dean didn't thanked her or said anything, Sam tried, but he did it halfway on his way to Dean. He needed to calm his brother's boiling head down.

"Dean, wait..." Sam called after Dean and reached him by few of his strides.

"Don't tell me to calm down or God help me, Sam!"

"She's just a girl, Dean. Don't shove holy water into her face first thing..."

"She might be one of them. She most probably is." Dean took after his dad and wouldn't see the world any other way than a vicious place.

"And maybe she's not. Let's see first. If she wanted him dead, she wouldn't wait until now." Sam tried to bring him to reason.

"What if she lured us in. And then she'll kill us all."

"Now you're just being paranoid, Dean."

"Why are we even having this conversation..."

"Dean, I think I should go in... " Dean never got to hear the rest Sam had to say, he was already in the room.

"... first."

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