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Hell is real. It's being trapped in one body with a demon. God knew what he was doing when he gave humans free will. Too bad it applied to demons as well.

Riley's body was hurting bad but she could not feel a goddamn thing. She was just a ball of thoughts in someone else's brain. There were times when the demon was the only one home - those were the times she needed to sleep. But she was never alone in her head - demons don't rest. That means her body was working 24/7. Honestly, she didn't think she could survive after it's gone.

She could only see what it was seeing and she could only hear what it was hearing. Right then they were watching Winchesters with Bobby having a meeting in the kitchen. They tried to keep it low but they didn't shut the sliding door and demon & Riley both were doing everything to hear every word. Riley didn't mean to be rude but the guys were talking about her and she needed to know what's the next step.

"I don't know, guys." Bobby was talking. "It's been two weeks already. They've been together for far too long. We can't possibly know how loyal she'll be after it's gone."

"So what are you saying? We should get rid of her?" Sam said, shocked.

"That's not what I meant." Bobby defended himself. "We need to be careful and don't fish on every word she says. Get it, Dean?"

This was actually fun to watch. There was not much for her to do anyway so she was observing and found every single trait Sam told her Dean and Bobby have. She even picked up some herself. About Sam as well, 'cause he wasn't talking that much about himself but he knew his brother by heart, Bobby was off the truck more often but Dean, he never disappointed.

"I never trusted her in the first place!" There he went, right on the spot. Riley was mad at him for this at first but she was the one possessed so he wasn't that wrong after all. Riley - it - could've hurt them and Dean saw it coming. He was saving them all with his suspiciousness.

"Guys! It's only if she survives." Sam cushioned two stubborn minds, just like he always does. "I mean she was eating and drinking but ... she never slept. Not for a second. Her body may only shut down. We're talking serious sleep deprivation here. Best case scenario are hallucinations."

Dean looked at him, arms crossed. "Okay, House M.D., so what do you want us to do? Leave the demon live in her happily ever after?" The brothers needed to talk it out.

"I'm just saying that maybe we should call ambulance first," Sam suggested.

"You must be kidding me! An ambulance!" Dean couldn't believe his ears. "And what are we gonna tell them? She hasn't sleep for two weeks. You know, demon things."

"I don't know, maybe all we do is just not working. We don't even know if she's still in there." Sam was the one who was talking to Riley the most. He constantly overlooked the demon's actions just talking to her and yet, he finally started losing hope. No wonder, she was unable to do anything these days to show them she was still here. The demon made itself comfortable inside her.

"She is still inside!" Dean said just a bit too edgy. "I don't allow it to be any other way!" He was firm in his decisions.

"YOU don't allow?" Sam asked as like he hadn't heard him.

"Damn straight I don't." Dean did not step back a bit. "I've had enough, I'm getting Riley back." He said her name so rarely, though sometimes it was the only thing he said to her. But every time he did, she was not afraid anymore whatever the outcome might be.

"And what are you gonna do, genius, that we haven't done those past weeks?"

Riley was wondering who was gonna treat her next. It was Sam for the past hours, Bobby came home just a while ago, Dean had been sleeping upstairs until then. After council meetings like this one, the order always shuffled.

"Just let me handle it, okay? Leave me alone with it." So it's gonna be Dean. It's going to be over soon. She wished they would let her with him much more. They would be on different page by now.

Sam's speeches were helping her dearly to gather her strength, he never laid a hand on her unless he absolutely had to calm the demon down.

Bobby was the easy way out. He split his time between Riley and the demon evenly. He was the rock, the mentor of them all - boys and Riley. He knew his way around everything.

But what was really getting them somewhere was Dean. He pissed the demon so much, it was losing it. Dean had his eyes on the prize and was so raw with the demon, it had to use all it's power not to destroy itself. That was when Riley came on the scene.

Every gulp of holy water weakened the demon so much, she could peek into its devious mind. It obviously came with a price - it weakened her so much that later for every thing she learned about it, she had to give up at least one about herself as well. And it sure as hell knew how to dig deep.

But she was so close to finding out what these guys wanted to beat out of the demon all the time. They couldn't exorcise it now, all this would be outta the chimney and forever gone, they would never learn how to save their dad, still laying in the hospital bed, motionless. Sam told Riley about John just a while ago.

Dean was especially creative that night. He even closed the sliding door to mute the screaming the demon did for Riley but Sammy did not make it anyhow. He left for a hospital half an hour later. He hated it there by now, but it was still better than hearing these noises Riley made. He still took it as it was her suffering unimaginably.

Dean was drowning the demon in holy water, there was not a dry place on Riley's body, everywhere the dump clothes touched the body, the steam was hovering over. But tonight red broke the white dress.

Dean was cutting into her and rubbing salt into the wounds and then washed it out with holy water. After the water slipped out of it, it healed instantly. So he did that over and over, until there would be no more space. So he carved in other directions. When he was done there was no sign of his violence.

That night Riley peeked into the demon's mind so many times, she got all the information she needed. Sam gave her enough strength to do that and Dean gave her many opportunities to work her charm. The demon was so out of his mind it did not even got back on Riley for every info she got. It had no idea how much she's got out of it.

"Hang in there, Riley, I've got you," was the last thing she heard Dean say before she slipped into unconsciousness.

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