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Sam and Dean spent all night and half a day by Dad's bedside. They haven't seen him for quite some time and when they finally busted him he was in the only state he's possible to be caught in - half-dead.

Neither Sam nor Dean were able to sleep. They waited all night but nothing changed. Soon weariness got to them. Dean napped first since he drove most of the way over there. He told Sammy to get some rest too but he just wouldn't even try to fall asleep.

When they realized, Dad's state was not about to change, Dean took off to the library to check Riley's backstory and to grab something to eat so they did not have to deal with hospital food.

Sam woke as Dean entered the room coming back.

"Hey. Something new?" Dean asked setting two bags with food on the table by the window, taking the items out.

"Hey," said Sam wiping the sleep away from his eyes. "Nothing actually. Doctors are saying he just needs time to recover." But they had no idea how John was even still alive.

Dean nodded briefly and Sam changed seats and sat down to dinner. His brother sat on the other chair opposing him.

"Did you forget the pie?" Sam asked.

"I did not forget the pie!" Dean said offended. 'They hadn't any left," he frowned.

Sam chuckled but it sounded more like he just let more air out of his nose. They ate in silence for a while then Dean just had to say something. The quiet was unbearable.

"And what about her? Was she here?"

Sam shook his head because his mouth was full. He actually has manners.

Dean went on then, presenting his findings. "She was not in the library either. She called in sick. Suspicious much?"

"People get sick, Dean." Sam said shrugging.

"You trust her too much." Dean shook his head. "What did she do to earn your trust?"

"And what did she do to lose yours? She helped dad, he told her about us that means he trusted her as well. She even let us know he was here and waited with him so he wouldn't wake up alone somewhere he doesn't know. She told us what happened and promised to check in again. Does that sounds evil to you? We even checked her with holy water."

Dean browsed back in his head, remembering how Sam went and got them all some refreshments while talking to Riley. It seemed like a nice gesture but Dean was sitting on the edge of his seat ready to take Riley out if he had to. There was no reaction from Riley but something still didn't add up to him.

"She clearly has something more to say," Dean said.

"Look, dad's laying here all sewed up. Something shredded him in mere seconds and she heard nothing. If she only suspects what it was, she needs time to process and admit to herself she's not insane. She'll come out eventually."

"We need to know now, Sammy, before it comes back. We need to be ready. Aren't you a bit curious what got him here?"

"Dad's in hospital, Dean! When he gets just a bit better then we can take care of the family business again."

Dean shook his head. "I say we go check on her."

Dean's phone started ringing and he was taking it out of his jacket.

"We don't even know where she lives." Sam continued trying to talk Dean's hot head out of his intentions.

There was no caller ID, just a number, so Dean hesitated for a second. But when he finally answered there was nobody on the other side. Together with the phone he took out a piece of paper as well.

"We don't?" He waved with this piece of paper in front of Sam eyes. "The lady in the library loves telling stories. She even gave me her number and..." He quickly compared the numbers, "...this was just her calling and hanging up. So ... "

"Alright," Sam resigned, wiping his hands to the napkin. "Are we leaving dad here alone then?"

"No. You're staying. Finish your dinner and get some sleep. I'll call you if there's something wrong."

"Dean, are you sure ... "

"It's fine. I can handle one girl. I have to apologize to her anyway and I don't need you watching me while I'm doing that. And you know what they say ..." He smirked. "Making up is sweet..." Something wicked flashed in Dean's eyes as he got lost in his imagination just to tease his younger brother a little.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Go! Leave now!!!"

"Call me if anything ..."

"I will."

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