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Sam took a deep breath before he took a look at Riley after the torture Dean put her through. She was laying on the ground, folded into a ball. One arm separated her head from the wooden floor, the other held her legs to her chest. Her eyes were open but her vision was blank like there was nobody in there.

The demon rested, getting ready for another round.

Calmly, Sam sat down on the chair Dean put near the circle. This was gonna be a long talk. Only this time he's not talking to the demonic creature. This time he's trying to get through to the human being trapped inside.

"Hey, Riley. It's me, Sam. We talked back at the hospital and you promised to check back in on us and I really wish you could do that. I would love to hear from you. I really would. I'm really sorry you got caught in the middle of this. You don't deserve that. Nobody deserves that but sadly these things happen. And we need you to make the best out of it. If you could get into the demon's mind, you could help us take him down. Once and for all. You are our best shot, Riley, so please don't give up. I know the things you've seen may seem ... well, unbelievable but I guess that by now it's not that unreal, is it?"

She was still not moving, she did not even blink. But it didn't kick Sam down. She's there and he's reaching to her. She was there for their Dad, too.

"I want you to know, Riley, we're really thankful for you staying with our Dad. That was very nice of you and I would love to hear more about your day with him. You know, he's not talking to us that much lately. You're the last person he spoke to so you may actually know what's wrong with him. That's why I needed you to tell me everything back at the hospital. The key to this may be trapped in your head and you may not even be aware of that. So if you could just let us know a bit more, we could help you and Dad ..."

"Your soul is worth every dime, precious Sammy." The royal accent spoke again. But this was not that kind of dialogue. This was between Sam and Riley.

"You know, Riley," Sam deliberately used her name every time he spoke to her, so she knew this was only for her and he didn't care who else was listening. "Me and my brother, we travel a lot and we don't make many friends as we go, even though we help people, we don't stick around long enough to make any but ... "

"Yeah, yeah, she would love to be your friend as well. Too bad you're not boyfriend material but Dean ... Oh what does Dean do to this imagination."

Sam waited for the demon to stop talking when he spotted a one single tear dripping to the ground. Demons never cry so this must be ... Riley! She's there! Sam rushed with the response.

"So Riley, as I was saying ... We're here for you and we're not leaving you. Under any circumstances."

"Thank you, Sammy, so sweet." The demon registered what's happening and it compensated loosing its grip with a form of the distraction. But years of training from Dad and cramming at college taught Sam to never lose focus.

"Dean's gonna be here soon with some food so we can talk until then. Even though he's riding like he owns a Ferrari, he's gonna take a while. He always does when it comes to food. This one time he ..."


"... and that's why there's only three of us - me, Dean, Dad and ... well Bobby, too. And why we became hunters in the first place." Just as Sam was finishing the story of their mom dying by the hand of the yellow eyed demon they were still to catch, Impala parked in the backyard.

"Dean, it's been three hours, where were you for so long?" Sam greeted him in the doorway. "We're starving over here!"

"We? You and Cindy friends now?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Well ... me and Riley."

"So we wine and dine it now?"

"Not it, Dean. Riley. Her body needs to eat or it'll shut down and after the demon is gone ... she'll be gone as well."

"Okay. She can have a sandwich." Dean admitted Sam was right. "But no pie!"

"No pie," Sam lifted his hands in surrender. Feeding a demon was not on their menu but since they learned about possession and people being trapped inside ... They wanted to save lives and this was a way to do that.

"How's Bobby?" Sam really hoped that's where Dean got caught up, not in a diner trying to get a date for tonight.

"He's fine. He's getting food in the canteen and he even got some sleep after he goofer-dusted the room. I'm going there later so he can come here to chat with our honorable guest."

"Yeah, pleasurable company, indeed." Sam nodded sarcastically.

"Got anything?" Dean sat down taking his pie. Obviously he already ate. Not that the rest of the crew was dying over here.

"No. I mean ... Riley, she's still in there but she wouldn't break through. The other inmate is talking too much, though." Sam took the food and headed back to the living room. He put one wrapped sandwich into the circle and sat on the couch with Dean and his pie next to him.

"There you go, Riley. Eat." Sam encouraged Riley gently.

"Bon appetite!" The demon licked its lips and unwrapped the meal.


Well, who wouldn't like some quality bonding time with Sam, right? 😏


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