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With the first light, the Winchesters wiped the motel room clean. The hellhound was on their track and they were on the run. The guns rattled as they tossed them into their duffel bags, but nor their heavy boots, nor the chime of the metal was loud enough to pierce Riley's sleep. She hadn't even moved, not even when Dean vacated the spot next to her.

Dean got up as a brand new man. He slept off all the sentiment of Riley's resurrection. The job meeting the girl again brought them was the matter serious enough to trouble his mind but his behaviour was not in hunter mode. He was straight up pissed. He kept slamming the door of the Impala like he was on a mission to shatter that thing.

"Okay, Dean, stop. What is it?" Sam challenged his brother while they were still outside loading the things into the car. "And don't say 'nothing', it won't work. Talk to me."

Sam rested his hands on the roof of the Impala.

Dean rubbed his face attempting to get a grip on his loose nerves but failed miserably. He kept the volume down but the tone of his voice clearly indicated shouting.

"She made a freaking deal, Sam!" He pointed out the obvious. "She was possessed, got rid of the demon and then went and made a deal to get right back to them? Dad telling us she was dead... What the hell happened back there? I will not let her get away with this easily."

"And what are you going to do? Yell at her? How is that going to help? The damage is done, Dean. So save your accusations for later. We have to get her to safety, first. Then we need to figure out a way to get her out of the deal before it's too late and ask the questions after it's all done."

"No, I'm asking her. First chance I get."

"At least wait until we get to the bunker. Please, Dean."

"The bunker it is. But not a second later."

They practically had to pry Riley off the bed. The few hours of sleep weren't enough for her brain to regenerate. A momentary drowsiness got the best of her. They practically carried her to the back seat of the car where she curled up and was back asleep in a minute. She was so out of it, she did not even noticed Dean's pissy mood.

Sam kept checking on her the whole way, all he seemed to do was turning his head back.

"Sam, for god's sake, stop that. It's like watching an annoying gif or something."

"You know what a gif is?"

"Haha. I message people."

"Oh yeah, your dating app. Impala67. Almost forgot."

"Yeah, shut up, bitch."


The conversation even broke a slight smile on Sam's face. He could never get through that username. But not even Dean's outburst stopped him from keeping an eye on the sleeping girl on their backseat. She wasn't possessed this time, but the demons were not that far behind, anyway.

Sam only woke her up once they reached the bunker. She was oblivious to her surroundings as he was leading her to the one of the spare bedrooms to finish recharging her batteries. Her sleep depravation was worse than he thought and that meant nothing good in their attempt to plead her case. There was no time to spare.

"Listen, Riley," Dean made her stop under the stairs.

"Not now, Dean," Sam shut it off right there. "You can talk later, Riley needs her rest." He didn't wait for Dean to react, he just rushed Riley from the room.

"What is it?" Riley asked Sam as he put his hand on her back, leading her through the corridor.

"Nothing that couldn't wait. You'll talk later. We'll decide what's next after you get proper sleep. You're absolutely safe here. This place is heavily warded, there's no way for them to get in. At least for now."

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