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Riley's house wasn't hard to find. It was actually too big for a girl living alone. Dean knew she did because the lady in the library spilled all of Riley's story right away. And it was one heart wrenching story one must say.

When Dean pulled over in front of the house, the lights were still on. All of them, actually. Whole house was lit up from the basement to the attic. That made Dean question his reaction to Sam's hypothesis. Whatever got Dad out was bigger than he ever fought, 'cause he had every weapon possible to get rid of every supernatural thing known to mankind. And if he could not handle that she couldn't either.

He knocked on the front door and she opened it in mere seconds like she was waiting right behind it.

"Hi," she smiled like she was happy to see him. Not a sign of her being sick.

"Hey, I came in to check on you. I stopped by in the library and the lady told me you were sick and I ..."

"Yeah, yeah, I was not feeling well. I'm all better now. Come in." She made some space for Dean to enter and then they remained standing in the hallway. She was watching him like she was figuring what he was even doing there.

"Listen I ... I actually came here to apologize. It was very nice of you to watch after our dad and I acted like an ass. And I'm also sorry about your dad. I know how it is to lose a parent."

"It's alright, really. You couldn't know."

"I really appreciate it, thank you."

"Come on in. May I offer you anything? Beer or something stronger?"

She led Dean to the living room, leaving right for the kitchen. "Beer's okay, thanks." The fridge opened and closed, then the drawer and then the beer opened.

"I really hope it's okay I came. The lady in the library told me where you live and ..."

"It's alright, really. She's got a big mouth but she's nice overall. So.. How's your dad?" She asked returning from the kitchen.

"He's ... the same actually."

"I'm sorry to hear that." She handed Dean the beer and sat on the couch next to him.

"You were calling ..." Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah I was." Riley remembered. "I wanted to ask about your dad, but ... my battery died on me. Sorry."

Dean nodded. "You know what? I actually changed my mind about that drink. We should toast on us setting the things on the right track." He smiled at her.

" He smiled at her

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"Yeah, absolutely. I'll get the ..."

"Don't. I've got something special for these occasions." Dean said and pulled out a flask from his jacket.

"It's only for friends," he winked at her. She tensed.

"To the getting on with the right foot." He drunk and put the flask into her hand. She put it to her lips, but still wouldn't drink.

"What? You don't drink?"

"No, actually. Just on special occasions."

"But this is a special occasion."He insisted.

She nodded and just as she tilted the flask to drink, Dean's hand flew up to hers and the liquid spilled all over her mouth. It was burning her skin like an acid, smoke was rising from the wounds. Her eyes turned red. She screamed with nonhuman voice and tried to get Dean off of her. But by then he held her fast, pouring the liquid down her throat nearly drowning her with it.

"Drink,bitch!" The holy water in Dean's flask worked like a miracle on the demon who took over this girl's body. He poured it all down it's throat and then knocked it down into unconsciousness. He tied its hands with a dishcloth that he soaked with more holy water in the car. That's where he took the damn thing after he tied it all up with anything he could find around. If it knew something about their dad they needed to get it talking.

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