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Sam and Dean were down this road a million times before, yet this time they were thrilled like it was their first time. The destination was Bobby's.

They had been checking the satellite feed, but Dean was sure there was some glitch in the matrix, because there was no way the picture it was showing to them was real.

"That must be some BS, Sammy. These shots must be like half a decade old. Bobby's house went down in flames."

"I don't know, Dean. The date shows they are pretty recent."

"There's only one way to find out," Dean shrugged.

"Yeah, we'll see hell a lot of it. It's already dark out."

"I'm not waiting till morning," Dean was already putting his jacket on.

"I never said I am. Let's go!" Sam followed his brother's steps.

They had gotten into the Impala and since they were already so close, they were at Bobby's driveway in no time. The moonlight brightened their way.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cursed under his breath as they approached the property. "What kind of sorcery is this?" He asked aloud.

"I don't know, Dean, it looks very much real to me."

It didn't matter how many times before they had been down that road, this time was different. They didn't park the Impala right by the door this time around. Whoever or whatever raised the house from ashes was probably still inside and they did not want to spoil their surprise visit.

They drew their guns and encircled the house. Dean took the front door and Sam sneaked in from the backyard. The cars were still there, untouched.

In fact, everything was like Bobby never left. Everything was recreated like some kind of a creepy doll house.

Sam and Dean regrouped in the hallway and signed each other where to continue. They split again, Dean headed up the stairs and Sam took the ground floor.

They proceeded simultaneously, leaving no door closed, there was no place for somebody to hide.

It was dark but from what they could see, everything was back in its place. One would never guessed this place was in ruin.

They did not bump into anything, everything stood where it was supposed to be, like the dust left the marks for the re-creator.

It took Dean a little longer to check all the hiding places upstairs. Sam had swept downstairs in almost no time.

There was only place left they needed to check. The basement.

Sam didn't wait, he opened the door and began his descend to the underground.

And that was when his senses heightened. The basement was the only part of the house that was definitely not how it used to be.

There were heaps of books everywhere, which would suit to Bobby's hobbies but what gave it all away were electronics everywhere. Definitely not Bobby's modus operandi. Printers, scanners, monitoring systems, computers, screens... What the hell! It was a solid lair and Sam still hadn't seen the best of it.

Behind his back, there was Bobby's infamous panic room. The very last hiding place, the most guarded spot in the house.

He turned around. It was drawing him in like a charm. Sam was mesmerized. Computer and laptop screens reflected on the metallic walls of the brand new panic room.

The only possible place of the entire house that could probably make it through the fire was rebuilt, tougher walls were raised instead of the old ones or maybe over them, the room was armored with latest handprint technology.

He made his way to the little screen on the metallic wall. The handprint on it signaled the only way how to get behind the massive door.

Sam couldn't resist, it hypnotized him. Holding his gun in one hand, he moved the other and places his hand into the outline.

At that moment, the screen activated and turned green under his palm.

Identification successful. UNLOCKED!

The sealed door opened with a hissing sound and before he could rebound and aim his gun, shots were fired.

He was taken aback, the blow threw him backwards, away from the panic room. He stumbled backwards and fell down.

"What the..." left his mouth involuntarily.

Someone fired a salt-shot at him and momentarily blinded his vision. Before he could regain his blurred sense and defend himself, a pair of hands wrapped around him so tight it almost held him from breathing.

"Sam! It's you!" A female voice whispered into his ear like she couldn't believe. She was hugging him!

He never brought himself to hug back, when Dean's voice roared from the basement stairs. "Back away from him! NOW! Let me see your hands and don't try anything!"

The figure moved slowly from Sam and faced Dean with her hands in the air. Sam got up quickly, joining Dean's side, rubbing his eyes.

"Dean, it's..." She started but Dean wouldn't have it.

"NO!" He yelled, startling her. "You're not her!"

Dean couldn't believe his eyes even though the light reflected from the pendant on the necklace he gave her right into them.

"What are you?" Dean kept her at the gunpoint.

"It's me, Dean. I'm not dead... yet." She still kept her hands up.

Dean pulled out his angel blade and slid it to her feet. "Cut yourself with it," he ordered in cold blood.

"Dean, I think she is..." Sam squinted.

"No, Sammy!" Dean ruled, bringing Sam back to sanity.

"She stepped out of the panic room!" Sam always saw the best in people.

"Do as you were told!" Dean commanded her, his voice still raised.

She took the silver stabbing weapon into her hands, clenched her teeth, making a grimace, expecting pain, and slid the point of the blade across her forearm. It was not like she never went through that.

Blood immediately leaked from the crack. Other than that she stood unharmed.

It was her!

"Riley?!"Dean lowered his gun and opened his arms for Riley who was already on her way to him and he locked her in his embrace for what seemed like forever. 


Author's Note:

I'm not gonna lie... I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! And no, I'm not crying! You are! 💜

My sweethearts all together again. 😍

You can also check out The CLOUDS. It's my latest book about inspiration and behind the scenes of my stories, it's very little and very new but it belongs to Crossroads, too. So if there is anything that particularly interests you and you would like to know more... hit me up, I'm open to any suggestions.

Thank you for being a part of this!


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