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The road back to Riley's place and then to hospital wasn't quiet or weird. They all kept talking and Riley actually felt like she could tell somebody anything about herself, for the first time in forever. Everything started when Dean turned the key in the ignition and his radio started to play.

"You can turn it up, you know." She liked the type of music Dean was playing in the car.

"I definitely would if Sammy could live through it." Dean said apologetically.

Sam did not even try to defend himself. He knew this battle was lost for him being in one car with Dean and the new fan.

"My dad used to listen to this kind of music, so I might as well go with it," she said. And once she started talking about her dad, she kept talking, and told them her story since she already knew theirs.


Both guys walked inside Riley's house with her. Nobody wanted to take chances and weakness flew through her every once in a while.

All she did was change Sam's clothes for hers and promised to wash them for him. She took a couple of hers to her backpack and they carried on their way to the hospital to see John.

Walking the corridor to John's room this time felt different. Her body and mind were severely violated because of him. This time she didn't see him only as a victim. The demon didn't left her as uninformed as she made everybody think.

When they stepped in, Bobby rose up immediately. He looked at both guys and then locked his gaze on Riley. He was looking for any sign of the demon in her but it was not inside anymore.

"Bobby, this is Riley. I don't think you had a chance to meet officially." Sam cushioned the awkwardness of their first meeting.

"Certainly, Riley ... It's so nice to see you without red eyes."

Bobby made his way to her and skipped all the shaking hands part and hugged her straight away. She was okay with that because she get to know these guys more than she ever could meeting them any other way.

"How you feeling, girl?"

"I'm a bit sore but I really wanted to see John. And meet you, obviously ... And apologize..."

"No need for being sorry. It was not you. It's gone now and we need to keep you safe." Bobby kept talking but noticed her bending a bit peaking behind him. He went silent and at that sound she looked back at him with question in her eyes.

"By all means, go on!"

She also checked with guys and they both nodded for her to get closer to their Dad. Their expressions changed to serious and pitiful. Sam had tears in his eyes when he turned to get closer to the door. Dean's face was stone.

After all that time John was laying in the same bed in the same condition. When Sam and Dean told her their dad was "same", she didn't actually expected he'll be like "same same". It was like time stopped around John. He had bruises at the exact same places she remembered, none of his wounds were healing. They were still gaping open, cut right through his flesh. But he was still alive. The beeping sounds of the monitors did not say otherwise.

Riley was standing by John's bed, just staring at him, only one thought looping in her mind.

God, John, what did you do?!

She zoned out so hard, Dean actually had to touch her to get her attention.

"We'll be outside, Riley. Want me to get you something?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"Alright, call if you need anything. We'll give you some privacy."

She nodded and Sam helped her to sit down before they left. Guys were having one of those meeting of theirs.

Riley kept looking at John. Would it be that bad, John, if you told them? I guess you've got your reasons but still ... Riley stood up and bend to John so it looked like she was only stroking his hair and hugging him carefully.

"Listen to me, John." She knew he heard her, the demon told her he did sense everything, just couldn't act on it. "I know what you did. And I'm gonna clean up your mess. And then you take your boys and they will never ever under any circumstances come back into this town. You make them understand that. Go and never look back!"

After that she made her way to the door.

"Can we go back now? I don't feel that well." She joined Sam, Dean and Bobby in the corridor.

"Absolutely," Dean said, "you're going with me, Sam and Bobby are staying with Dad."

"If that's okay with you," Sam added nicely.

"Of course. You know I feel safe with any of you guys."

"But before you leave," Bobby stopped her, "let's get you something for the pain." They all looked down at her forearms.

"Thank you, Bobby," she nodded.

"Let's roll then," Dean hurried them.

"You go, I'll stay with Dad," Sam said his goodbye. "See you later."

"Yeah, see you in the morning," Dean said, but Riley... Riley didn't say a thing.

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