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Sam glanced at Dean driving the Impala. It was nice seeing his brother without a gleam of black in his eyes. Demon Dean was fun for some, but absolutely no fun for others and Sam couldn't have been happier to have his brother back.

Dean insisted he was good and his state wasn't up for further discussion, but all Sam had to do to get a reminder that his big brother was indeed scarred was glance at his right forearm.

The mark of Cain. The damned mark.

Sam knew he had to keep his brother under constant watch, but agreed with working on cases. At least Dean's attention was elsewhere and not in a state of constant despair.

Life on the road, business as usual, another city, another case, another scene of the crime.

The two hunters, dressed in suits, got out of the car.

"Hello, we're agents..." Sam started talking to the officer standing by the yellow crime-scene-do-not-cross tape.

"Hold it, agent," the policeman stopped him right there, "you're gonna have to talk this one with our sheriff. She's already talking with one of your colleagues over there." He pointed to the couple silently but intensively exchanging their opinions nearby.

Winchesters may have been too little too late but they wouldn't let their colleague in distress. They both walked under the yellow tape and approached the arguing couple.

"I did not call you here," the sheriff said. "This is not a case for feds!"

"Why don't you let us be the judge. Look, why don't you call my boss and we'll see about that." He said handing her a business card.

" They sent you all here?" The sheriff turned to the other two men right as she spotted them. " What is this a team up? Do I have any word in this, whatsoever?"

"Just call the number, ma'am," Dean tried to help the fellow hunter. "I'm sure it solves this misunderstanding." He smiled with his brightest smile, the one he used when he wanted something from girls. And it worked everytime.

"God help me," the sheriff stepped aside and dialed the number. "Agent Swift? This is sheriff..."

They let the call be just a background noise while they greeted with the hunter that had beaten them to the case. They shook hands.

"Seems like we're too late for the show." Dean put his hands into his pockets.

"Not exactly, I'm kinda shorthanded here. I could use some help," the hunter admitted.

"So what are you thinking here, chief?" Dean took the case by storm.

"Werewolves," he shrugged.

"Missing hearts?" Sam furrowed his brow.

"Couldn't tell. The bodies were too... Shredded. Have to head to the ME later. My partner got hurt working the last case so it's all on me."

"Listen, why don't you and your partner take a break?" Dean suggested. "We're here already, nothing better to do... we can take over from here."

They could've just helped the guy, but working the team tactics was hard enough as it was, even though Sam and Dean were well coordinated. Besides, they didn't trust an outsider just like that. They could handle their own alright.

"Actually, that would be really helpful. I hate leaving her alone and when it comes to battling the creature in the end... it takes at least two."

"It's a deal then," Dean offered his hand once again.

The sheriff after a heated debate on the phone came back to the men in suits. "You know what, whatever," she sighed deeply, clearly outsmarted in the battle for power. "Work the case," she shrugged. "I don't have stomach for this anyway."

"Actually my colleagues here are in charge, I'm needed elsewhere," the hunter let her know.

"Do your thing, just keep me posted. I'll be down at the station." She walked away, clearly still upset from the call. The only one who could disturb people like that used to be Bobby. Sadly, it wasn't him anymore that was for sure.

"Found someone new on the phone after Bobby?" Dean asked the hunter.

"Actually, I didn't have to. The number's still active."

"What do you mean active?" Sam cut in.

"It never stopped working, there's still someone on the other side," the hunter said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Garth?" Dean grimaced.

"Oh no, he went underground for all I know. It's a female, is all I know. But she never says anything even if you ask. She's just ... there."

The boys exchanged puzzled looks.

"Anyway," the hunter clapped his hands together, "I better get going. Good luck with the case, guys."

"Yeah, thanks," was all Sam managed to say to his back.

Both brothers were left bewildered. Bobby's old number?


Later on Dean entered the motel room they were staying in. Bobby's house was nearby but it wasn't suitable not even for a sleepover. It was in ruin since it burned down forever ago.

"Hey," he said worn out.

"Hey," Sam said back from his laptop. "Anything?"

Dean was visiting the ME's office and managed to get beer on his way back as well.

"Well, it's not a werewolf. There are no missing hearts just a bunch of suspiciously successful people," he said putting two bottles out.

"So you're thinking hellhounds," Sam concluded. "Huh," he scoffed kind of amused.

"What is it?" Dean sat down on one of the beds getting rid of the cap.

"Dean, do you realize where we are? There's been a case like ten years ago. Better said, Dad was working the case in this area. He was talking about local lore, hellish dogs. What if it weren't what he thought it was? We knew nothing about hellhounds back then. Maybe they are back to harvest..."

"He never actually explained himself. He almost died, then used some damned excuse and we listened because we thought the man knew what he was doing."

They both remembered like it was yesterday and yes, the name was on their minds but neither of them dared to say it aloud. It was a long time ago and even if she had something to do with it, she would be gone anyway by this time.

"Hellhounds would explain a lot," Sam said instead.

"Okay, we're going with this one. Did you find this agent Swift?"

"I've been calling the number but nobody answered. But I know where it's located." Sam turned the screen to Dean. His blood run cold.



Author's Note:

Well, here we are, 10 years later. In the meantime family business went as usual and we're chiming in again to do some damage.

How does it feel? Because I'm STOKED AS HELL!

Also happening today: Happy birthday to lovely Jared Padalecki who embodies our beloved Sammy! 💜

It's about time to visit Bobby's, don't you think? 


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