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"Bobby, please," Riley pleaded into the phone. She called him everyday, every few hours. Asking the exact same thing everytime. "Please, I need to know where they are." Her voice sounded broken. And that was exactly what she was.

Crossing the path with Winchesters left such an inerasable impression, she couldn't pick herself up after that. She thought she was strong enough but the second they left the town, she could feel it inside. The emptiness. She needed them to get better after the possession. She craved their presence.

Bobby didn't have the heart not to pick up the phone everytime, but couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear.

"You know I can't do that, girl," Bobby repeated to her.

After the Winchesters left, he kept digging and found out the truth about everything and sided up with Riley. She made him swear to do everything possible to keep the brothers safe. Safe from her.

"I miss them so much," she breathed.

"I know," was all he could say. He knew the thing she felt wasn't sadness, it was sorrow, unbelievable grief.

"Promise me, Bobby." She never failed to ask this of him. He knew the request by heart, but he let her say it over and over again, right before they hung up. "Promise me you'll never leave me alone."

And even though some promises couldn't be kept, he nodded.

"I promise."

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