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The alarm at the library was set and the door locked. 1981 GMC truck just pulled over to the side of the road and John got out to held the door open for Riley. She was going down the steps when the flickering street lights made her stop halfway so she wouldn't fall down.

John turned to her and their eyes locked and they didn't let go. Every time the light went back on they were staring at each other. And then the flickering suddenly stopped and Riley called after John.

"Hello, John. So we meet at last." Her voice was deep and so far away from the friendly tone Riley used with him all day. "Why so surprised, John? Did you really think you could get away? There's no walking away from this. The time is up."

John did not even flinch, he did the math sooner than the introduction speech was over.

"Let the girl go. She's got nothing to do with this." His voice went few shades darker as well.

"You're in no condition to bargain. We'll do this my way, shall we?"

John knew he was way past the point of bargaining, but he had to do something. He could not let the girl being used like this. He moved towards her.

Riley only chuckled and waved her hand. John fell to his knees, the invisible shackles yanked him back to his car.

"Silly, silly John," she shook her head. "Any last words? No? Alright then."

After that, it took only one word to break all the hell loose. Riley spat it out through her teeth.


Ground rumbled under John's feet when the set of paws hit it.

"See you in hell, Winchester." Riley's voice said before all the light went off and the animal jumped from the dark right onto John who sunk to the ground under the weight of the beast. Riley could see it, even in the dark. The dark power devoured her whole and her human body could easily channel it's supernatural functions.

John, by the Riley's feet, was fighting a big black dog. But it was so big it could be a bear. Moon light reflected in its silky black fur. It's body was still moving and there under the heap of ripped muscles was John.

The creature was biting him and scratching and John tried to escape but couldn't. He was free of the invisible restraints, it was more fun to watch him struggle to get away, but the beast was everywhere, jumping from side to side, scratching and tearing him, dragging John by his leg like it wanted to bring him back into it's dark hole.

And John fought so hard, he tried to keep it's jaws away and make it miss his flesh but the creature was too strong. But John was not pleading for help or mercy. He did not scream. He suffered in silence, battled like a warrior. Even though he knew he was losing.

Riley was just standing on the stairs, she did not move, she did not blink, she did not look away. She watched it all happen. She watched John being on the verge of death. He was tore open, claws ripped through his jacket, through his jeans right to his skin like he was made of butter. He was almost done with his strength but he was also stubborn as hell to give up to it that easily. He was slipping in and out of conscience and the dog still played fetch with him, dragging him through the path to the library to the sidewalk.

John's face was hard to recognize anymore under the mask blood made on it. It did not remind at all of the cleaned up cheery journalist who walked into the library that very same day.

The dog then suddenly stopped, holding it's heavy front paw right on John's torn chest. It turned it's gigantic head and looked right into Riley's eyes. It waited for the last order. Riley's eyes flashed red in return and then she delivered one last command.

"Finish him!"

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