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Few days ago, John got a call from his old friend, they practically grew up together, only parting when they both found their future wives. Until then they were working together in a car repair. John eventually drifted from that line of work but his friend stayed in the business to the present day. He even run his own shop. He was one of the few people out of his line of work who knew what John's real job was and when the strange things started to happen in his town he called John immediately.

John was very fast to narrow down what he was dealing with but something still did not click so he had to dig in the archives to figure out what the thing was so he wouldn't come to the battle half prepared.

He ruled werewolves out after the first visit to the ME office. There were no missing hearts, still the marks on the body were clearly from some kind of a beast. The attacks were so brutal though, no animal animal could've done it. The only kind that can be so vicious is the human one and then the supernatural one.

After a day spent in library, John was leaving with a proof in his hands, he found what he was looking for, this was how the job was done. At least the research part. He asked Riley to copy some pages and papers for him and now he could bring this case to rest. He was happy to let his friend know the terror in his town wouldn't take much longer.

John's day was much more pleasant than he expected, research is always a pain in the ass, he wasn't much of a bookworm as his son Sam, but just as his son, Riley could make books a bit more bearable. He made his priority to get this girl home safe. He offered her a ride and she accepted.

"I'll get the car while you lock up. It's just around the corner." John excused himself.

"It's alright, I'm not afraid. As obviously everyone in this town is." Riley was right on point. The town was unusually quiet. It was school night, still, town never used to be this silent. There was no official curfew, everybody chose to stay inside anyway. The night fell and nobody dared to set their foot out of the door. At least not on their own. That was the life in this town for the past couple weeks.

Every night, just after the midnight, the hell broke loose. The storm came, the wind was so loud it sounded like woman screaming her lungs out. First night the officers tried to help, the other night as well and then when it killed one of their own, they stopped. Everybody got the message and just let the unexplainable happen. It was gone with the first light anyway. John and Riley still had couple hours left.

Riley locked the library door, happy to be in bed just for when the theatre happens again tonight. She always loved storms. It eased tension.

She checked the locked doors once again, turned and saw that John was back with his car by the curb. He got out to open the door for her.

She was just on the stairs when the street lights flickered. Complete darkness enveloped her for a brief while. She had to stop, not knowing where she was putting her feet.

John turned to her.

The street lights went off and on like crazy. It played with her senses. She still had John in her view though, he kept his sight on her as well. She lost him in the night again for a brief while and then after the light went on again and stayed that way, she could not see him in his place.

She panicked instantly looking all over the place. Is he back in the car? And then she saw him, laying on the ground by the tires. Is he epileptic? Is he having a heart attack? She run to him, passing the path from the library to his car in record time.

She sank on her knees without hesitation, trying to figure out how she could help. She grabbed him, and instinctively let go right away. What she felt under her palms was squishy and slimy. Her hands stayed wet and then she realized she was kneeling in the liquid as well.

"John?" she took him by the arm and pushed him to lie on his back. The streetlight fell on him and she squealed in horror.  His torso was ripped into shreds, his face was covered in blood as well as everything around him. He was laying in the pool of blood.

"Oh my god, John!" She took off her jacket pushing it down firmly on his torso, but there was no way for her to stop the bleeding, there was not much to stop left anyway. There was no way to keep all the pieces together.

She backed away from him, grabbed her purse and fished out her cell. Dialing 9-1-1, she looked to the library building, noticing the line of blood leading right to the steps she was just standing on. Just like somebody, something, dragged John all over the place and let him bleed out on the curb.

"9-1-1, what is your emergency?"

"There is a man bleeding on the curb. I think some animal must've attacked him. . . Oh god, I don't know what happened, I was just there ... I ..." The sobs took her breath away.

"Do you know what time is it? We're on lockdown."

"What? No! It's too early, you can't be ... You can't let him here! What do I do?"

"You need to drive him in."

Riley canceled the call. "Useless sons of ... !"

She looked around, she would scream but nobody would be crazy enough to go out, especially when somebody's screaming.

She opened the door, grabbed John under his arms and somehow managed to get him into the car seat without ripping anything else off. She rushed them into hospital not knowing if the man in the car was still alive or if it was too late and all she was doing was bringing him to the morgue.

         🎶 Is it too late to come on home?
Can the city forgive? I hear its sad song🎶

- Florence + The Machine / Long and Lost

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