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Back in the Impala they kept talking all the way to Bobby's. Dean even let her pick music from his collection and drove really slow so they could listen to it a while longer. They actually stayed sitting in the car at Bobby's yard listening to this rock classic. They kept talking and they both actually felt like their own age. This was closest to any date Riley ever got. Because after what happened she was too heartbroken and afraid to maintain any relationship. What if what happened to her happened to anybody around her? She couldn't bring herself to trust anybody and she didn't want to hurt anybody.

When it started to be a bit chilly in the car they made their way inside. She headed to the stairs when Dean finally got out what he wanted to say for such a long time.

"Listen, Riley," he stopped her halfway up the stairs. "When I came to your house ... I came to say I was sorry for how I treated you."

"Don't mention it. Please ... I mean ... It's impossible to have any hard feelings for you after what you've done for me."

"What I've done TO you." His gaze lowered to bandages on her wrists. This word shifting didn't suit him. Bad guys shouldn't have conscience. But there was not a bad bone in his body.

Riley moved down the stairs, closer to him, so she could look right into his green eyes.

"Could you promise me one thing, Dean?"

"Anything." He answered hurriedly.

"Don't ever think you've hurt me. You've made me feel quite the opposite."

He exhaled and she could feel he was breathing easier now.

"I'll see myself to your room, now." Amusement flashed through her face.

"I'll come check on you later. Call if you need anything."

"Thank you," she mouthed and left for bed.

Riley lay down on Dean's bed, only took off her shoes and she didn't cover herself. Dean came to check up on her half an hour later but she pretended to be fast asleep. He covered her with Sam's quilt and went back down. He left the door cracked open so she listened to him walking around, stomping with his heavy boots, making his way to the front door, checking it's locked, then to the kitchen, opening the fridge, taking the beer, going back to living room probably reading some of Bobby's books, then he was talking on the phone, then going through books again and then, finally, the silence embraced the house. She waited few more minutes, took her shoes, and quietly headed for the exit.

She sneaked down the stairs trying to keep quiet enough for her to hear Dean's breathing. She stopped only for a second so he wouldn't get the strange sensation like someone's watching him and she went over his face once again. The face she'll never see again.

Right behind the door she put her shoes on and started running and running and running to the first crossroads she came across of.

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