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Few more minutes of driving and they were at Bobby's back entrance.

"I've got her," said Dean getting out of the car, "get Bobby."

Dean surprised Sam by calling the demon HER and not IT but even the way he carried Riley into the house - not dragging her by her hair - meant he knew there's still an innocent girl trapped in there somewhere.

"Bobby!" Sam shouted at the back entrance, letting him know they're ready for his instructions, holding the door open for Dean.

Bobby hurried from kitchen, buckle of holy water ready in his hands. "Get her over here."

The brothers followed him to the living room. He pushed the holy water into Sam's hands and leaned down to roll the carpet off the floor. He had devil's trap painted right under it. This pentagram in the circle had all the power to hold the demon in until they decided otherwise.

"Get a chair over here, Sam." Bobby ordered.

"I don't know, Bobby." Dean protested laying Riley on the ground right in the middle of the circle. "I knocked her out pretty bad. The original she may be better of on the ground like this. Maybe get her some blanket instead."

"Okay, I'll get one for her. Everything else is ready. We've got gallons of holy water in the kitchen, emergency kit is ready ..."

"And I've got the ritual." Sam said holding dad's journal for them to see. "So what now?"

"We'll wait 'till it wakes. Got some beer maybe?" Dean always had the brightest ideas. But this time they actually backed him up. They had a bit of bonding to do and it's going to be better if Bobby's relaxed. Good thing he went for it.

"Make it three and tell me what's all this about." Bobby nodded.


"Your dad's been in hospital with an unknown girl and you don't call when I'm 20 minutes away, you idjits?"

"Bobby..." Dean stepped up as an older brother.

"Don't bobby me!" Bobby threatened and Dean stepped back right away. "I swear to God, I ..."

Bobby would go on in punishing them like little kids if sounds of someone coughing and chocking didn't disturb them.

"I guess you woke it, Bobby," Dean said.

They all rushed to the pentagram, thank god kitchen and living room were separated only by the door which were opened most of the time.

The demon was choking on the cloth in its mouth trying to get it out of its host. It still could not see there was no way to go further than the circle it was in. Sipping noise was coming from where the holy water still touched its skin. Good thing Riley couldn't physically feel those burns. That obviously didn't mean the demon didn't open the channel bonding them and transferred everything into Riley's mind. In that case she's hurting unimaginably only nobody can hear her.

Dean took out his knife and crouched behind Riley and cut the cloth holding demon's hands. He backed up immediately since the demon grabbed after him in an instant but got stuck in the circle.

It dragged the blindfold away and took out the cloth from its mouth. Both areas stayed red and steamy for a while and then the wounds disappeared. Its eyes blinked a few times and then it grinned.

"Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, boys." Riley spoke but this was definitely not her talking. This time there was clear English accent in her voice and she sure didn't speak like that when they were talking before. The demon couldn't get rid of its habit. It carried on in it's dialect. "I suppose he is your god since you've got me in one of these." It motioned its head around while it untied its feet and stood up.

"Who are you? What you did to our Dad?" Dean was not trained to go around so he went straight to the point. He had no other business with this creature just use it and kill it. That's what Dad taught him and he followed the old man's orders through and through.

"Like father, like son. Winchesters always straight to the point. It's no fun with you, boys." The demon made a sad face.

"You've got us at a little disadvantage here, don't you think?" Sam said. "You know our names ..."

"So you want to know who I am?"

"Oh I know who you are, alright." Dean lit up like a flame. "You're the one who's gonna tell us how to wake our Dad right before I exorcise the shit out of you."

"Yeah, talk dirty to me, latin turns me on. Just ... Is this how you treat a lady?"

"You ain't no lady. I tell you what you are ... You are one filthy ..."

"Dean!" Sam stopped him right there. Riley does not need to hear these things if she's still in there.

"Yeah, tell him, pretty boy." The demon grinned.

"Listen, you devil's bride." Dean was done with his patience. "We're gonna ask and you're gonna answer."

"Of course, you can ask. It's not like I'm going anywhere. I can just sit here and wait until your dad's hair turns grey and he drops dead himself." The demon pointed at the trap theatrically.

"Yeah, just don't get too comfortable," Dean concluded, "I'll be done with you soon enough."

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