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Winchesters with their second father Bobby, split their duties into shifts. Dad, demon and sleep were the main fields of their focus. For the first couple of hours they all stayed with the demon. That way they could observe any security risks and learn some of demon's tendencies. They tried the good way on it and they tried the bad way. So far nothing worked. But they could sense it was losing it a little. But not the way Dean did with his anger running wild.

Sam has been ditching sleep and the two of his closest people obviously caught that onto their radar. They joined against him and send him to sleep. He was so worn out he didn't even protest. Much.

Bobby's house still had these two rooms upstairs from back when the boys were staying with him when they were kids. Beds were grown up sizes back then already so they could easily sleep over to this day. Besides Impala, this place was the closest thing to home they got.

Eventhough Bobby was a hunter as well, he managed to stay in this house withoutmoving case to case. Maybe they should learn a bit from him but Dean lovesdragging the Impala across the country and Sam kind of likes staying with hisbig brother. Sam wanted life of his own but the truth was he missed his brothernever showing up and he couldn't just exactly take off and go see him.

Even though Sam deserved days sleep all he could get from his restless mind was a couple of hours. There was too much unanswered questions for him to just let go.

After the time on the road with Dean, Sam was kind of linked to his voice waking him up. Dean always expected Sam's full attention when he was talking and that included even when he was asleep. And Dean wasn't exactly keeping it quiet downstairs. Sam could hear Riley's raging voice as well. Dean must've pour holy water onto her uninvited inhabitant.

So Sam got ready to join the party downstairs. It wasn't until he got out of the room that he realized it was already light out. Windows in the bedrooms were covered with heavy curtains so they could sleep at any hour. He stopped in the restroom really quick and as he was stepping down the stairs, strengthening voices filled him in on the situation.

"So let's start over ... What's your name?" Dean asked.

"Bite me." English voice spitted back.

"Who are you?" Dean repeated his question.

"You can call me Cinderella." The sipping sound echoed like Dean was pouring water onto hot coal. He was as far from amused as he could get.

Cocky demon wasn't the first thing Sam needed to see in the "morning" so he went straight to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Dean joined him there right away.

"Something new?" Sam asked getting the cups ready at the counter.

"Bobby went to the hospital to secure the room with goofer dust. But besides that ... it just wouldn't talk." Dean sat to the table and Sam turned to him while the water was boiling.

"And what about Riley? Did you try talking to her? This soon on she may have enough power to come through to us."

"Be my guest," Dean pointed to the neighboring room. "Just do it sooner than I say the riddle. And I'm more than keen on doing that right now."

"She must be terrified. I'll try to talk to her." Sam opened the fridge in the meantime. "Is there something to eat?"

"Not if you don't want one bowl of Bobby's special."

"God, no! We hated it since ever."

"That may be the root of me never going vegetarian ever again." That was true. Something turned Dean into carnivore and this Bobby's meal had all the power to do that. Till this day Dean has no idea what Bobby puts into it, and he just doesn't want to know. Bobby might've learned this one particular receipt from some soccer mom in order to keep the boys healthy with balanced food. But besides that he's cooking pretty well.

Sam closed the empty fridge and finished the coffee putting it on the table in front of Dean and himself.

"Did Bobby said anything about Dad's research?" Sam tried to catch up on everything he could've possibly missed.

"Nothing more than we did." Dean shook his head. "He thinks dad just came into wrong neighbourhood all by himself. You know, the dog only defends it's territory."

"So we're definitely clear he was attacked by a hell hound." Sam cleared.

"Got a better answer? He got in the middle of a deal."

"Do you think Riley could've make that deal and he was actually protecting her?"

"I don't think so. It would take her no matter what. And she's untouched."

"Is there any possibility Dad made a deal?" Sam asked cautiously.

"Not in a million years. He's not negotiating with these sons of bitches." Dean denied it without hesitation.

Sam nodded just like when he was a little kid and Dean reassured his younger brother Dad's gonna make it for Christmas. Only he never did. There was always another job.

"So I'm going to get something to eat and check on Bobby real quick. At least I'll get away from a Queen of England for a while." Dean stood up, putting on his jacket.

"Alright. I'm gonna talk to Riley." Sam said putting empty cups into the sink.

"Just don't fall in love, Sammy. She's just charming." Dean said and flew outta door, leaving Sam alone with the demon.

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