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Dean was right about one thing - the guys shouldn't just sit around and wait until their dad wakes and tells them everything. They've made out stories from far less. Now they had Dad, his wounds, Riley, and her side of events - Sam was sure she'd come up with that eventually.

What Dean wasn't right about was that they had to leave Dad's side. The way Sam saw it that wasn't a good idea but Dean was starving for answers and he needed someone to punish as soon as possible. Nobody's making a scapegoat out of his family, of what's left of it anyway.

Sam took Dad's journal and skimmed the pages. He went through it a thousand times but this time he was looking for completely different set of symptoms that he could easily miss before. He was turning pages over and over but nothing popped up.

He was looking for animal-like scratch wounds, night creatures that could attack in complete silence, were invisible or that could erase memory. What he couldn't wrap his head around was the fact why it would let Dad go - or Riley for that matter. If it was that powerful that it got Dad, Riley wouldn't be the reason for it to stop. This could be just some kind of warning and we all know what they say about messengers.

There was nothing on this subject in Dad's journal and soon enough he discovered why. When emergency was taking Dad to the hospital, Riley rode with him and she stashed his things and left them in a heap on a chair in the corner near Dad's bed. That was very smart cause even when she was sleeping in the chair by Dad's side nobody could get to them without her noticing.

John's phone was there - dead, his jacket very similar to one Dean's wearing - he kind of adopted whole Dad's style from his personality, through clothes and music style, to his car. The only difference between Dad and Dean was that Sam could actually stand Dean. They could spend more than twenty minutes in one room without starting a fight. Dean was the one who took care of him. All that Dad did was put gun in Sam's hand and expected him to figure out the rest while he was out hunting the thing that killed Mom.

That's why they were in this business in the first place. They'll take it down and then it'll be over. What Dad couldn't stand was Sam leaving before finding it and revenging Mom. If he could remember her just for a bit he was sure she wouldn't want them to live like this. But he couldn't say a word about her without Dean going full I'll-rip-your-throat-out-if-you-keep-talking-about-her at him. And Sam didn't see the day Dean would let this go, ever.

Sam kept going through Dad's stuff when he found a heap of folded papers in a pocket inside his jacket.

He unfolded the blood-stain covered papers. He must've copied them in the library. Of course he wouldn't tell Riley. He liked to keep everybody in dark as much as possible. Or in light in this case.

Sam went quickly over them, they were all readable. No wonder he couldn't find anything on this matter in Dad's journal. It wasn't there yet. He wasn't in the library for more info, he was there for all the info.

Dad was on the hunt only this time it was quite literal. He was after a animal - only a devilish one. He went after a hellhound and it attacked him sooner than he could gather means for killing it. If it's possible, obviously.

Sam didn't know much about them either only that these mythical creatures are supposed to guard the hell gates. But Dad did his homework and in these Xeroxes was everything. He knew his way around sources. He could write seriously good paper on this matter which made Sam wonder again why his dad was so against his university education.

Now that he knew what Dad was after, he should've alarm Dean that there's a case in this town and he shouldn't drag his ass all around the town without clue how to tame this monster. Sam intended to read through all the papers, first, when - psychically - his brother was calling him. Checking the clock - he was out longer than one apology should take anyhow.

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