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John found Riley in the library. There was no better place for her to hide than her natural habitat. She couldn't go home, that place wasn't that for some time anyhow. Not since she lost her dad.

She did not have a good night sleep since then, either. And not just because all hell broke loose at witching hour. She slept through half of it everytime but there was no good night rest for her.

She was waking up bruised and battered. Just like if she was sleepwalking and bumping into things in her way.

She always waved the wild colors on her skin off, believing she was being careless while working or getting around the house. Few times she woke up covered in nasty scratches she blamed on her own hands and bad dreams she never remembered.

One hardly credible movie was taking place around her but she had to believe it. She was a part of it. It was happening right in front of her eyes, it had possessed her.

She hoped John would act wise and disappear the first chance he got, but he was a man of his principles and had to come and thank her.

"What did you do, Riley?" Was the first thing she heard him say when he found her in her dungeon.

"I think you know that, John. It's good to see you standing again." She spoke calmly, slowly, like there was nothing waiting for her anymore. Her actions were terminal.

"Why did you do that for me?" His brows were furrowed.

"I didn't do it for you," she shook her head almost unnoticeably. "I did it for your sons. They need you. They need their dad. Do you realize how much they depend on you? They've been looking for you!" She was speaking from the deepest understanding with the boys. She saw them as an insider. They let her deeper than they even realized. Their actions gave up so much information.

"I've got my reasons," John objected. "It's not safe for my family to be together."

"'Cause you're doing so great on your own. God, John," she sighed deeply, "I hope they never find out!"

"Like I said, it's not safe for my family to be together."

Riley was bewildered how sure he was about his words.

"You don't know what you're talking about. Family is all you've got!" She stood her ground.

"How long have you got?" He asked her.

"It's a common deal, John. But it doesn't matter to me. I won't be missed." She was so young but sounded like there was a lifetime behind her.

"You shouldn't have..." He started but Riley wouldn't hear it.

"Take your guys and head out of here. Do what you gotta do to get them out of here, just ... Don't let them ever come back." Her words were final and dead serious. Their lives depended on it.

"I won't," John promised. "Take care, Riley." John bid his last farewell to her. They were not going to see each other ever again.

"Goodbye, John."


Author's Note:

Guuuuuys, gotta let you know that this exists!

Lovely grace-full wrote this review of Crossroads and the final grade was B+! Better than school, right? This is a huge thank you, Grace, for taking your time, reading it and writing down your thoughts.

If you feel like it, you should definitely head over there and let me know how you feel about Grace's insights and opinions. Don't forget to vote for her chapter as well!

Next update is coming soon!

Love ya!


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