Chapter 2

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Detective McCoy's pov

Another day another body, I thought that after Alessandro dies things will be quiet for a while, but who would have guessed that this neighborhood will have a woman mafioso. A woman?

We all laughed until we first met her she broke my partner's ego in half the first two sentences she spoke. The poor guy was almost trembling, of course he never admitted pissing himself just a bit. We laughed but we new this woman would be trouble.

Sasha, as Alessando, had no other name, we did not know if they had any connection, we didn't even know where this woman came from, until I started digging and boy did I run into some complex shit. 

We reached the Red Velvet Club, the main office of Sasha, a broad shoulder guy with tattoos on his face opened the door: "Boss is waiting for you!" the guy had gold teeth, who the fuck would have golden teeth, this neighborhood is the worst. 

I nodded and entered the club, it was empty, no dancers, no one, it was Friday, who would close their club on a Friday? 

Me and my partner reached the end of the hall, it looked empty in the dark but I knew that there's a door to her office at the end.

I knocked three times, a smooth voice answered "Enter!"

Her office was gold and white, simple and classy. Sasha stood in her seat behind her desk, she had a glass in her hand, she wore a red dress that was complimenting her figure, she wasn't thin but she also wasn't well build. 

A grin appeared on her face but it did not reach her eyes, this woman was a killing machine I knew it. "Oh, welcome Detective, please have a seat!" She motioned for us to take the seats in front of her desk. 

"Thank you miss Sasha, as you know someone was murdered down the block. We would like to ask you some questions if you'd be willing to answer." I raised my brow, her face had no emotions not once did it change. She was a tough cookie. 

"Of course Detective, I am at your disposal." She crossed her legs, my idiot partner started to droll next to me. The woman was extremely beautiful what can a man do, but he should know that this was no ordinary woman.

"Mister Hill.."oh the fool was in trouble, he tensed and looked her in the eyes "How is your wife, still working at the Hospital nursery?" she took a sip of her martini, I could smell it from here. 

Hill gulped "Yes miss, she is fine thank you" then he rearranged himself on the seat and looked to the side. Jesus he's such an idiot. 

"Miss Sasha, where were you at 8:30?" I had to save the time, she wouldn't give us more than 15 minutes. This is how things are with her. 

"I was here, doing my nails." she smiled. and reached for a small bag full of nail polish. 

"Were you alone, miss Sasha?" I scribbled down her answers on a piece of paper, but I knew they would never reveal the truth.

"In the office, of course, but Mario and Bully were also in the club" she took another sip of her drink. 

The two men will never betray her, but she had witnesses, and she knew I can't do anything to them. Loyal dogs.

"Can I ask you, why do you have your club closed on a Friday? Shouldn't it be opened until early in the morning?" I knew this club like my own house.

"I wasn't in the mood for parties." She took another sip of her drink and sighed, that was the sign that she's losing her patience. Her face showed nothing, pure nothingness.

"Wouldn't you lose money because of that?" Her laugh pierced the silence. 

"Oh Detective, a woman like me would never think about things like that." She was still laughing. She was laughing at me, she knew I couldn't do anything to her. 

She looked at her golden wrist watch, "Detective, your time is up. A beautiful woman like me needs her sleep" She winked, I didn't even blink, she knew her ways with men. 

We got up from the chairs the fool next to me still looking at the floor, god I need a new partner. " Thank you for your time miss Sasha. Have a good night." 

"Good night Detective. Thank you for your visit." She stood up, her chin held high, a perfect posture, like a Greek goddess, she's deadly, staying away is the best way. 

We got out of the club, the body was already removed from the scene everything was quiet, too quiet. Fuck this I need a drink, this woman creeps me out. 

Sasha's pov

Marius drove me to the penthouse, my private chef cooked me Chicken Tikka Masala, I loved Indian food. 

I got myself out of the dress and got into a silk nightgown. No lingerie, I like being comfortable at home. 

The main dish was served and I gave the guy the night  off. I was not in the mood for company. 

I opened a bottle of white wine and enjoyed my meal. 

Salvadore was the best chef in town, he was also my father's chef. He was also loyal, but if he knows nothing, then nothing will incriminate me. I am very careful with the people around me.

Silence, this place is so beautiful at night, I could see all New York from here. It was the best view, I purchased it from a rock-star a couple of months ago. I rearranged it by my wishes and created an office where his recording room was. 

I had to go through some plans tonight, the oil company that I recent purchased is being run by a hungry money eating douche-bag, I have to fire him and find a replacement, so I am hunting a good manager from other well known companies. 

Going through their profiles, and also personal life. I had 5 candidates. I preferred someone younger that has already his own fortune, I'm sick of people like Kevin. 

A few hours passed and I decided to go to bed, I'll have a few meetings with all 5 of them tomorrow. Let's see how good they are, face to face. 

Author's note: McCoy's picture

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