Chapter 4

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Sasha's pov
I started my day with a cherry smoothie, my favorite and a granola bar.

My changing room was across the hall so I took my smoothie and wondered what to wear, a dark blue pencil dress, that would be professional with black heels and a natural makeup.

It took me 20 minutes to get ready for the day. I Skype called Marius to bring the car up front and be ready in 10. I'm not that kind of woman you know, who takes ages to prepare.

I got my Gucci purse and walked out to the car.

"Good morning miss." Marius opened the door.

"Good morning Marius, do you have the schedule for today?" I asked him while I was making myself comfortable in the car.

"Yes miss, right away miss." I smiled. He was good.
We had to reach the building at 8:30 Marius made it at 8:20, that was very good, he was indeed the best driver.
I entered the offices with Marius behind me, everyone was already working.

"Marius, could you please take this and send Mary to me?" I handed him the smoothie and went to my office.
The meeting starts at 9 so I have plenty of time to read my emails and see how the stock was doing.

I sat at my desk and went through the remaining files from yesterday on my desk, a loud bang came from the door I looked up an a furious Kevin was at my door.

"Who do you think you are?" He yelled at me. Oh yeah Someone told him about the interviews.

"Take a seat Kevin, and good morning to you too" I smiled, if we weren't in a building full of people I would have cut that tongue of his and stick it to his forehead with a bullet. But we can't always be violent can we?

"No I won't you think you'll find someone better than me? I build this company with Russel, you were lucky he just wanted to retire that's all. He should have left me the power to maintain this firm, not you. Look at you, a model with an oil company who would have thought it's even possible??"

While he was saying all those stupid things I signaled Marius to stay at the door, meanwhile I got the dark drapes down so no one will see anything. My office was soundproof no one could hear a thing, but if the drapes are up they could see.

So I kept listening to Kevin preach while I got all the drapes down. After I finished that I went back to my chair, opened the first drawer of my desk, pulled out a gun and I pointed to Kevin's face, he was currently hovering over my desk so when he felt the cold metal on his skin he shut up.

Silence, I couldn't even hear him breathing.
I smiled at him"Take a seat Kevin." His eyes full of terror, never moved from the gun, he slowly reached for the seat.
"Now, Kevin, you are fired. If you speak one word again in my face I will blow your brains out, if you ever tell about this to anyone you will be killed, no one will find your body and your fortune will go to your beloved parents. Did I make myself clear Kevin?"
His face was pale and sweaty his hands trembling on the chair, "I-I am sorry miss, yes-yes I-I understand."

That's how things will always work, but Marius will also give him a lesson in the parking lot, the fool needs to know his place.

"Good Kevin, now leave the building, and never come back. I wish you good luck." I put the gun down in the drawer and opened the door, Marius came in and took Kevin by his upper hand.

I stopped Marius for a second "Just a lesson Marius, nothing more"
He nodded and took Kevin away.
"Miss, your first meeting will start in 5 minutes." Mary came at the door giving me a resume about my first choice.
She was a nice hardworking girl, I liked working with her.

"Thank you Marry!" I took the papers and reached the conference room.

My meetings went on until two.  I picked Jamy Lee he was working for the competition but had some perfect marketing skills and his father was a duke so he had ties in England, just where I wanted to expand, the perfect combination.

I took a break until 4, and went to Ricard's for lunch. It was my favorite restaurant, nothing fancy just good food and a cosy vibe. I somehow needed a break from all the luxury.

This restaurant reminded me of my childhood, my mom used to work in this kind of diner.

My past is so blurry...I never met my father, face to face, that's why I never mourned his death.

At least he gave me my childhood to live, I knew mom had lots of money stashed but I never knew why until I was 14 and got into the academy.

Who would have thought that assassins have academies?

I was trained for 10 years no contact with my mom or any other relative, my existence was whipped out, I was given another name Sasha, I really liked Emily, that's what my mom named me.

I was Emily Clarke until 14, I had a lovely childhood, we always had food on the table and presents under the Christmas tree.

We lived in Colorado, it wasn't as big as New York, but it was cosy.

We had a little house with two bedrooms and a living room and a bunny named Bugs.

A smile grew on my face, If I could only feel that peace again...Due to the training I had in the academy my goals changed from raising bunnies to raising empires.

I was told who my dad was 3 days after he died, a file with dates was given to me and also my lifetime mission.

Rule the mafia in New York in my fathers place. I was given all the details and means to do that, and here I am watching over my neighborhood from the window.

The red painted neighborhood has the worst of the worst, heck...I fit in perfectly.

I ordered my usual but today I felt young again so I ordered an ice-cream with sprinkles my mom used to make that at the diner.

I started to enjoy my ice-cream when a set of blue eyes landed on me. He looked shocked, what? Did I have something on my face? He had golden hair plum lips a tan and baby blue eyes.

I could see his arm muscle tense, yeah well no man had this reaction, mostly they flirt or come over, but this guy looks as if he's going into shock soon.

I started to chuckle and he gulped, this is one awkward guy.

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