Chapter 20

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Sasha's pov
A knock woke me up, how long have I been sleeping?

I got up and opened the door, Samantha  came with 4 bags "Hello miss, ready for the makeup?" She was so cheerful, while I was more grumpy by the second.

"Sure, come on in."

"Miss do you have something on your mind?" Her brows furrowed "If it's because of the floor leak, I am so sorry, they accidentally..." I didn't let her finish.

"Sam, it's ok, I just woke up, somehow the events got me a bit tired that's all. Shall we start with the hair? Loose curls, and the makeup maybe smokey eyes with a bit of gold. What do you say?"

She smiled " Perfect choice miss, I will start right away."

While Sam took care of my appearance I opened my Mac, there was an email from Marius, he sent me the list of information with the new people we hired. This was perfect, I was worried about this, but Marius managed somehow to take care of it.

There was a note at the end of the mail that announced that he will take care of Hawk, Sun and North.

He was indeed a good associate. Maybe after this I will reward him with a villa somewhere in the mountains, I know he likes the fresh air. Maybe Switzerland.

My phone beeped, I opened it and a picture with Hawk and Sun in tuxedos appeared. Hawk had a black tuxedo with blue margins while Sun had a tuxedo with dark green margins. The guys looked very handsome, big grins plastered on their faces.

I smiled, they were happy. We rarely are happy, it's a good thing that they loose themselves from the things plastered in our heads by Sensei, from time to time.

I saved the picture in my phone and texted them. "Stop goofing around. Ps. You both look handsome."

Hawk texted back "Thank you my lady. See you soon."

I laughed like a little child, they were the closest thing I had as a family, well at least what I am permitted to have.

After that I started to look into some contracts. Samantha put on some music and at some point she started to sing.

I was astonished, she had such a great voice.

"Sam, have you ever thought of singing on a stage?"

She stopped, "I-I no miss, never." I turned to face her.

"I want you to sing at the Red Velvet opening, talk with the other girls, see what else they can do except dancing naked."

Hey eyes lit up" Certainly miss, that would be really interesting. Each one of them could have an act. It's a marvelous idea."

I nodded and that was our discussion for the next two hours.

After Sam finished with everything she took her things said her goodbyes and wished me a good night.

I thanked her and went to the bathroom, my hair and face were perfect, just as I wanted them. My dress was in the closet, along with long sleeved gloves and a pearl chain.

A pair of black stilettos and I was ready. Of course I had a gun in my purse, I'd never leave without one, even if I said no guns at the party, mine was still with me.

A knock came at the door, Marius entered, wearing a simple black tuxedo with a black shirt underneath.

"Miss your car is ready. And if I may, you look breathtaking."

"Thank you Marius, the tuxedo fits well I see."

He nodded "Thank you miss, shall we?" 

I took his arm and went for the car.

After I entered the limousine I asked Marius about how the security is going. It looks like he took care of everything. He set up a perimeter for the media, they were allowed only at a certain distance of our guests.

I was the first one there, but entered the back entrance, it was not necessary for me to appear in the media. I know they will be disappointed, but it's going to be a long night.

The ball room looked exquisite, the band was already playing, food and drinks were ready to be served.

Each table had little pieces of black and gold paper that had guests names on it. It took us a lot of time to think who should stay with whom. I hope there were no secret agendas that we didn't know about and a scandal flares up.

I took a look at everything even the bathrooms and kitchen, everything was on fleek.

Hawk and Sun came on the back door also while Marius went to the front to instruct our bodyguards.

"Mamma mia! What a lovely lady!"

Hawk was whistling while Sun was clapping. These two goofballs..

Sun bowed and kissed my hand.

"Thank you. You both look good. How about making these your working clothes?" I chuckled.

They both opened their tuxedos, both had 2 guns and 2 knifes stacked.

"They are." Hawk winked.

"Good! How about..." the door opened and a man with a white tuxedo and long straight black hair entered ... North

He stood by Sun and Hawk, my eyes almost watered.

"Hello princess." North had long black hair that reached his waist, pitch black eyes, and a face you could die for. His body was really good built.

I couldn't control myself and hugged him. "I missed you." It was just a whisper from me, only his ears heard it. 

"I missed you too." He twirled me around.

He looked at Hawk and Sun "She looks gorgeous and you two bastards are handsome as hell."

We all started to laugh when Marius entered the room.

"Miss, they are here!"

The three of them at my back made things easier.

"Let's get this started!"

We all went to the doors as they opened. 

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